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The items listed here and elsewhere in the site are not sold by us. The links to the vendors below & throughout, are for products and vendors that I myself would, & do use. I have no ‘Deal’ with any of them & they are unaware I’m linking to their website, but they sell quality products….so…..share the love!…..
Cancer cannot survive in a body with a Ph of 7.5Ph+ (9Ph – 11Ph is recommended) So if you have cancer, then the cancer cant spread anywhere else. For the fastest way to achieve this please see below:
Start with Water. Tap Water is a big No-No for many reasons. Fluoride being the main reason. Sodium Fluoride is a Rat poison. The common myth is that Fluoride is good for your teeth, yet the only thing that Fluoride is actually very good at, is killing things. In small doses its also great at priming you for things like dementia, Parkinson’s, Cancer….etc. The only way to remove Fluoride (whilst keeping it affordable & practical) is to distil your drinking water. This can be done quite cheaply with a decent output using a table-top water distiller as in the picture below. These units can make up to 12Ltrs of distilled water in a 16 hour or so day. Link to the seller via picture.
The fastest way to Alkalize your body is by drinking Freshly Squeezed Lemon juice, preferably in natural Spring water from a genuine natural spring – but distilling water is the next best thing. Lemons are very Acidic, but when they hit the acid in the Gut, they turn into a powerful Alkaline. Drink as much freshly squeezed Lemon juice in water as you possibly can – have with you a litre bottle of 1-2 x fresh lemons in 1 Litre of Distilled water – ‘sip’ thru the day. NOTE: Distilled water tends to come out a little low in Ph – to change this, add a small ‘pinch’ (2-4grams) of Bicarbonate of Soda, to raise the Ph. Your Ph should be between 9Ph & 11Ph.

Chaga Mushrooms:

Chaga mushrooms, which tend to grow on birch trees in cold climates, have a rocklike appearance. They don’t taste like traditional mushrooms. Instead, they have a bitter, yet vanilla taste. They’re also high in fibre and low in calories.
It’s not like a traditional mushroom you would see in the grocery stores, so, you may need to head to a specialty store or a health food store or order it online.
You’ll find most versions of chaga mushrooms in tea, where it has been ground into a powder, though, it has become a popular ingredient in skincare products and is available as a supplement, too.
More on Chaga…
Some of the most widely researched beneficial properties of chaga mushrooms are: immunomodulatory effects, ability to treat skin issues, anticancer activity, ability to lower blood pressure, potential to aid in the treatment of autoimmune diseases
ability to lessen oxidative stress.
Bioactive Compounds Found in Chaga Mushrooms
Inonotus obliquus contains over 400 bioactive compounds, all with unique benefits. Some of the most talked-about compounds found in chaga mushrooms are:
triterpenoids, polysaccharides, ergosterol peroxide, betulinic acid, inotodiol
While researchers are only starting to look into the potential of many of these compounds, some are already known to have profound effects.
‘Antinoplast” discovered in 1976 by Dr Burzynski. Burzynski discovered that people with
cancer do not produce a naturally occurring Peptide that people without cancer produce. Antinoplast. Burzynski started curing people of cancer and he found himself in jail for doing so. Antinoplaston is now available legally and affordably. Do not believe the fact checkers and the websites proclaiming that Antinoplaston is fake or not effective. These are lies to stop people looking at them to cure their own cancer quickly and at very low-cost…this is why these products are not openly promoted because Big Pharma charge billions for their own sub-standard versions of these naturally occurring interventions.
Cancer research UK are totally being dishonest about Antinoplaston in the link below.
Antinoplaston is actually amazingly good at shrinking cancers in short time .

What is the theory behind Antoniplastons curing cancer?
Our bodies are constantly replacing old cells with new ones. Cancer develops when something goes wrong with this replication process.
With cancer, abnormal cells begin to grow and divide at a much faster pace than they normally would. At the same time, older cells don’t die off as they should.
As abnormal cells pile up, tumours start to form. If nothing interferes with this process, tumours continue to grow and spread, or metastasize.
Burzynski believes antineoplastons are part of our natural defence system and that they help prevent abnormal cell growth. He suggests that some people don’t have enough of them, which allows cancer to develop and grow unchecked.
You can purchase Antinoplaston here from the link below:

In 1922 a nurse from Canada, ‘Rene Cassie’ was given a formula from the tribal leader of the ‘Ojibwe’ Indians. Born in Bracebridge, Ontario, Nurse Caisse prepared her original herbal formula into a drink named Essiac, which is Nurse Caisse’s name spelled backwards.
This formula was:
Burdock Root – Slippery Elm Bark – Indian Rhubarb Root – Sheep Sorrel
Made into a Tea.

From 1922 to 1978, Nurse Caisse gave her Essiac herbal supplement to thousands of people at her clinic in Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada. Although she refused payments for her services, she accepted donations to help support her clinic. Nurse Caisse dedicated her life to using the Essiac formula.
More on Rene Cassie & Essiac…
In 1922 an elderly English lady in a town in Ontario was diagnosed with advanced cancer. The doctors suggested that her breast be removed completely. At that time this woman and her husband were very poor, and when given the choice of losing a breast or trying the the herbal tea, she saw no reason why she wouldn’t at least try it. Upon reaching the mining camp in 1922, the English woman sought out the consultation of the medicine man and began taking the medicine as a treatment for her cancer.
Rene Cassie wrote down the names of the plants and herbs used in the medicine. As it happened, her aunt was also diagnosed with cancer in the town of Brockville, Ontario. After reaching her and speaking with the doctor, who she had known previously because of patients she had nursed in the past, she requested that they try the old medicine man’s tea to see if it would help. Given that the doctor had no other medical knowledge to apply to the cancer, he consented, in the hopes of helping the woman. After taking the tea regularly, Rene’s aunt lived for 21 years after her run in with cancer, and was never diagnosed with any recurring cancer again.
Upon seeing this seemingly “miracle” cure, other doctors began to request her help, and she travelled to many different patients. The results were amazing. In fact, the results were so staggering that eight of the doctors she worked under administering the treatment sent a letter to the Department of National Health and Welfare:
“To Whom It May Concern:
We the undersigned believe that the ‘Treatment for Cancer’ given by Nurse R.M. Caisse can do no harm and that it relieves pain, will reduce the enlargement and will prolong life in hopeless cases. To the best of our knowledge, she has not been given a case to treat until everything in medical and surgical science has been tried without effect and even then she was able to show remarkable beneficial results on those cases at that late stage.
“We would be interested to see her given an opportunity to prove her work in a large way. To the best of our knowledge she has treated all cases free of any charge and has been carrying on this work over the period of the past two years.”
Unfortunately, this request was not met with open arms, and resulted in two doctors being sent to investigate her. Ultimately, because she was administering the treatment at the request of some of the best doctors in Toronto, she was not arrested and was allowed to carry on with her business. Her treatment even caught the interest of Dr. W.C. Arnold, who was one the investigating doctors.
After seeing the treatment Dr. W.C. Arnold requested that she come to work at the Christie Street Hospital Laboratories in Toronto, where she tested the treatment on mice. During this time she gradually began to eliminate certain ingredients from the treatment and tested its effectiveness via an injection instead of ingestion. After many trials and diligent investigation, she came to conclusion that an injection of sheep sorrel solution, supported by oral tea ingestion would eliminate cancer much faster than just with the oral treatment. Her investigation and treatment testing spanned from 1928 to 1930.
Eventually, she became so involved with her research that she gave up nursing all together and focused all her time on research and the treatment of patients. Doctors all over Canada were sending her patients to have the treatment administered, and popularity began to grow. After some time, Rene felt that the evidence backing her discovery was sufficient enough to appeal to Dr. Frederick Banting, the man who discovered insulin. After travelling to the Banting Institute to show him the x-rays supporting the effect of her treatment, Dr Banting suggested she take her treatment to the University of Toronto for further research.
After much consideration, Rene decided that she could not trust the University to allow her to be involved in the research if she was to give them her formula, and she decided to turn down his suggestion. Because she knew there was no fear of negative side effects, Rene wanted to prove the treatments worth with practical use, instead of laboratory research. She knew her treatment worked, but she knew she was in no professional position to be recognized for such a discovery.
However money was running thin, and without her nursing job, living in the city seemed less and less feasible. Because she didn’t charge for her treatment, and depended entirely on volunteers to gather her resources, her income was scarce and she had little time for a new job after treating over 30 patients every day. It was at this time that she decided she would move to the smaller town of Timmins where she would work under Dr. J.A. McInnis treating his cancer patients.
After some time there, Rene decided to move to Peterborough where she was threatened with arrest from the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Rene asked for a hearing from the Hon. Dr. J.A.Faulkner , who was the Minister of Health at the time. Her request was granted and she arrived at the hearing with 5 of the doctors she had previously worked for, as well as a number of patients that she had treated using what was now called Essiac tea.
After presenting her case to Dr. J.A.Faulkner and some of his select staff, he deemed it acceptable for her to treat her patients as long as they provided written diagnoses from their doctors and she did not charge for the treatment. Rene accepted the terms and graciously went back to Peterborough to continue assisting her patients.
It was not long after she had arrived back in Peterborough that she was contacted by Dr.Alfred Bastedo in Bracebridge about a patient he had sent to her with cancer in his bowels. He had also gone out of his way to contact the Town Council of Bracebridge and ask that a hotel in town be made into a cancer clinic on the condition that she move back and practice her treatment there. It was there that she treated patients with varying stages of cancer from all over Canada from 1934 to 1942. Some, if not most, of her patients had come to her only after being given up on by modern medical science.
Not long after the opening of her clinic in Bracebridge, Rene’s mother became ill and was diagnosed with gallstones. Because she of her age, her heart was too weak to operate and they feared she may not have long to live. Rene, not confident in the diagnosis, contacted Dr. Roscoe Graham, a very famous doctor at the time, to examine her mother to confirm her diagnosis. After his examination, Rene was told that her mother had cancer, and had only days to live. After administering the treatment and slowly lessening her dosages, Rene’s mother was completely cured of her cancer, and lived for another 18 years before passing away (due to a heart condition).
Rene now found that interest in her treatment had spread to the U.S. and some doctors had contacted Dr. John Wolfer, of the Alumni Association of Northwestern University Chicago, suggesting that he ask Rene to treat some of his patients. After meeting with Dr. Wolfer and reviewing the histories of some of his patients she accepted his offer, despite the fact that most of the cases were, by medical standards, hopeless.
Rene saw this as an opportunity to prove her treatment could work, and to show her results in even more patients while inspiring more interest in her treatment. After working in Chicago every Thursday for quite some time, she had brought interest to her treatment by many doctors who had originally been very skeptical. In fact, she had received 2 separate offers to move to the United States and work in clinics there. However, Rene wanted to ensure that Canada received the credit for the discovery.
In the following years Rene Caisse appealed a petition to the Minister of Health in the hopes of legalizing Essiac tea, so patients could be helped all over Canada. However, despite her efforts and the growing number of patients who came forth to support her claims she was consistently denied her request. Her final petition, in 1938, despite the 380 patients who had come forward and the support of many doctors, was not passed.
Of the 380 patients who were present at the hearing, only 49 had been allowed to speak, and the commission only recorded that 49 patients had even showed up to the hearing. They also threw out all x-rays that had been used to diagnosed the patients and deemed them unacceptable for diagnosis. They claimed that all of the diagnoses were mistaken or wrong, even though most of the patients had been diagnosed by multiple doctors. In fact, even after it was not passed, hundreds of people wrote letters of outrage to the ministers regarding their verdict.
Rene’s efforts to contribute her cancer treatment was met every step of the way with resistance from high ranking officials within the government and medical associations. Despite the fact that Rene had never charged for her treatments and only asked that she be an active part in their research process, she was threatened with arrest more times than she could count, and scammed out of legalizing what could have been one of Canada’s biggest contributions to medical science
Since Essiac tea is considered a nutritional supplement, rather than a drug, it is not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug administration, and thus the exact composition and concentration of ingredients can vary from company to company. However, the four generally accepted essiac tea ingredients found in nearly all commercial preparations are:
Burdock root (Arctium lappa)
Sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella)
Slippery elm bark (Ulmus fulva)
Turkey rhubarb (Rheum pamatum)
Individually, the herbs contained in Essiac have been shown to have the aforementioned biological effects. Additionally, molecules called anthraquinones, which are found in sheep sorrel and turkey rhubarb, and glycosides, found in sheep sorrel, are commonly found in different types of chemotherapy regimens. Burdock root has been shown to protect against mutagenesis in cells, which is a cancer precursor. Fatty acids found in slippery elm and burdock root are also thought to contribute to antitumor activity. The individual constituents have also been shown to have anti-estrogenic effects, which may be therapeutic in estrogen-responsive breast cancer.
Essiac Tea
The first comprehensive laboratory investigation into the health benefits of Essiac was published in 2007 in the International Journal of Cancer Research and Treatment, with several insights on the biomolecular basis for Essiac’s usefulness in cancer treatment. The study looked at Essiac’s cell killing abilities, and showed that Essiac was significantly more specific and potent in killing of multiple types of tumor cells compared to normal, healthy cells, which is supported by several other studies. It was also shown to decrease activation of pro-tumor molecules.
While these effects have been demonstrated in the laboratory, on isolated cells and using standardized toolkits, no randomized, controlled, clinical studies have been conducted on patients with active cancer to support its efficacy as cancer treatment compared to standard medical treatment (chemotherapy, radiation, surgery).
Rather, the clinical evidence for Essiac’s anticancer activity remains anecdotal and based on individual experiences. These stories of improvement on Essiac share common themes of improved quality of life, less pain, better sleep, appetite, and energy, plus perceived slowing of cancer progression.
It is important to understand that despite many success stories, essiac alone should not be expected to cure a person’s cancer. It should be considered one of many weapons in the fight against cancer. Essiac tea is an excellent compliment to an anti-cancer diet, other natural treatments, lifestyle change, and is also commonly used to counteract side effects from conventional treatment such as radiation and chemotherapy.
Essiac has been growing in popularity as an adjunctive treatment to standard medical treatment for cancer for the past century. And while several laboratory studies have shown the anti-cancer activity of both individual components of Essiac and of the Essiac mixture, no clinical studies have been conducted to support its use as cancer treatment.
You can purchase Essiac products from the link here below from the current licence holder:
Slippery Elm Bark…

You can purchase Slippery Elm Bark here from the link below:
Burdock Root

The scientific name is Arctium lappa, and in Japan, burdock root is called gobo. But no matter what you call it, this long, brown-black root has a lot of uses. It’s originally thought that burdock hails from Asia and Europe, but this plant also has a history in Indonesia and the United States, where it was sought out by the Native American tribes of Ojibwa, Malecite, Micmac, Iroquois, and Menominee, to name a few.
In a non-food related tale, burdock became the inspiration for Velcro, thanks to the sticky seed burrs. Legend has it Georges de Mestral, a Swiss electrical engineer, was traipsing about the mountains and observed the burrs sticking to his wool socks and dog’s fur. He took the barbed seeds and replicated the gripping quality to create the famous Velcro in 1955.
What to Do With Burdock Root
Burdock is commonly eaten like any other root vegetable, especially in Japan. There the ingredient is called gobo, and it’s prepped by slicing, roll cutting, sectioning into chunks, and julienning. The earthy flavour proves great when combined with juicy meats. Once roasted or boiled, you can toss it in a grain bowl, puree it into a creamy soup, and add to a hearty stew or vegetable melody. Sauté thin slices of the stuff with other foods to make a stir fry or side dish. Or, steep the root (and other herbs) in boiling water for about 10 minutes to make tea.
you can buy loose Burdock Root here:
Indian Rhubarb Root… (Turkey Rhubarb)

You can buy loose Turkey Rhubarb here at the link below:
Sheep Sorrell…

Buy loose Sheep Sorrel here from the link below:
NAC (N-Acetyl-Cysteine)
A powerful antioxidant – this will help remove the Graphene Oxide from the covid-19 injections. Take 1 x 800mg capsule per day for 100 days.

Naturally occurring mineral found in America, Turkey & Russia. It removes Fluoride from the body and Pineal gland. 1 Gram of Borax Salt in 120ml of water. 5 days on, 2 days off for 3 weeks. Borax has been wrongly labelled as a detergent as you can indeed wash your clothes with it, but it is beneficial & safe in the recommended doses stated here.
MMS/CDS Chlorine Dioxide
21 day MMS ‘Diet’ 21 drops of MMS in 1 litre of water. Must drink 1 glass per hour for 8 hours every day for 21 days. This is because the MMS (Chlorine dioxide) will disperse in the body after an hour and needs replenishing each hour for 8 hours. Chlorine dioxide stops the spike protean binding to the Ace-2 receptors in the body so the spike protean is unable to latch on to our organs.
In the “vaccine” (nothing about this inoculation can be called a vaccine, the word ‘vaccine’ is totally inappropriate) there are parasites, e.g. ‘Hydra Vulgaris’ which seems to be intelligent to some degree and can also re-grow itself after dissection & is ‘aware’ of its surroundings.
MMS will help remove it from the body the same way it does to remove Malaria from people.
Find out more about MMS and Chlorine Dioxide here from the man who discovered its benefits, Jim Humble.
You can purchase MMS from the link below…
300g of Start Anis in 1.8-2 litres of water. Bring to the boil and then simmer with the *LID ON* the saucepan for 2.5hours. let cool and strain. drink 200 ml per day and ‘sip’ it do not drink it quickly. ‘This is Ischemic’ acid and removes and kills the Spike protean amongst many other benefits.
Blushwood Berry:
Scientists have managed to destroy cancerous tumours by using an experimental drug derived from the seeds of a fruit found in north Queensland rainforests.
The drug, called EBC-46, was produced by extracting a compound from the berry of the blushwood tree, a plant only found in specific areas of the Atherton Tablelands.
A single injection of the drug directly into melanoma models in the laboratory, as well as into cancers of the head, neck and colon in animals, destroyed the tumours long-term in more than 70% of cases, the study’s lead author, Dr Glen Boyle.
Buy Blushwood Berry Extract here from the link below…

Fenbendazole is a Dog de-worming medication that has cured cancers. Fenbendazole is widely available online legally. Dog worms are parasitic, and it is interesting that the PDF document below ‘Hulda The Cure for all cancers’ is based on theory that all cancer is caused by parasites….
You can buy Fenbendazole from the link below:
Bob Beck Electrifier:

Why Micropulse?
- Reduces pathogens and parasites – gentle microcurrents of electricity essentially cleanse the blood of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other pathogens…leading the way to health and vitality.
- Increase energy – adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a key factor in energy at the cellular level. Electricity boosts ATP levels which, in turn increases cellular energy.
- Strengthen the body’s immune system – microcurrents support the body’s electrical systems, strengthening the immune system and accelerating the healing process.
- Help support cellular function – both red and white blood cells respond to microcurrents by operating more efficiently and effectively. Restored voltage helps cells to function at optimal, healthy, normal levels.
- Far-reaching benefits – microcurrent therapy impacts the entire body at a cellular level, using circulation as a delivery system for supplying electrical nutrition to tissues and cells.
- Calming – microcurrents calm the sympathetic nervous system helping to reduce internal stress levels.
Methylene Blue:
Methylene blue is also known as methylthioninium chloride and has an extremely wide range of uses including:
Fabric Dye – Microscope Slide Staining Agent – MAO (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor) – Nitric Oxide Inhibitor – Acts As An Electron Acceptor – Cyanide Antidote – Anti-Malarial Drug – Used To Treat Methemoglobinemia. – Methylene Blue boosts mitochondrial energy, is anti-aging, and improves mood and memory – Methylene Blue is a synthetic compound used as a nootropic to increase memory, mood and longevity.
More on Methylene Blue…
Methylene Blue was first synthesized in 1876 by Heinrich Caro. It is commonly referred to as the first synthetic drug used in medicine. Caro discovered methylene blue as a means of dyeing clothing blue to keep up with rapidly increasing demands for dye in the textile industry. Four years later scientist Paul Erlich discovered methylene’s blue use as a neutral dye agent for staining microscope slides. This allowed for certain parts of the cell to be differentiated under a microscope that had never before been able to be seen, specifically it turned neurons blue.
The effects of methylene blue on medic under a respiration of normal and cancer cells are different. ES Guzman Barron from John Hopkins University published a study in the 1930s in which she states “methylene blue exerts its catalytic power only on cells or tissues possessing aerobic onycholysis” this means that cancer cells are killed by methylene blue.
In NICU 2018 study it showed that methylene blue effectively reduces the viability of androgen-dependent and androgen independent prostate cancer cells.
In another recent study methylene blue was demonstrated hypopnea anticancer activity in vitro and in vivo via inhibition of heat shock protein 70-induced and lung carcinogenesis.
It asked by correcting metabolic defects at complexes 1 through 4 in the mitochondria and red-light therapy combined with methylene blue is called photodynamic therapy. This is become one of the most promising and popular research subjects in recent decades.
Methylthioninium chloride is the base formula used to create Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. It has been shown to have an impressive effect on our health in many ways. However, more recent research suggests Ivermectin has quite an aggressive effect on our body cells. Methylthioninium chloride has been used for well over 100 years and has an excellent track record. Our microscopic tests suggest that it may help to dissolve and destroy “mysterious synthetic cells and fibre masses” people have suffered from.
A correct small dose is all that is required*. Your brain’s neurons rely almost entirely on mitochondria-derived energy. Failure of mitochondrial function can affect the rest of your body. But it’s particularly detrimental to your brain. This is where
Methylthioninium chloride steps in as one of the most important helpers for anti-aging and neurological disease-preventing biological answer. Methylthioninium chloride quickly crosses the blood-brain barrier. It improves mitochondrial efficiency and respiration, acts as an antioxidant, and increases brain cell lifespan, resulting in improved memory and mood. At low dosages, Methylene Blue is used to enhance mitochondrial function, increase cerebral blood flow, and acts as an antidepressant.
Methylthioninium chloride improves memory by increasing brain cell respiration, or how the brain cell utilizes oxygen. It increases ATP production to provide more cellular energy for better overall brain function including cognition, mood, and memory.
Methylthioninium chloride is an antioxidant. MB is a metabolic enhancer and an antioxidant. Methylene Blue binds to superoxide and reduces it to water. It stops the oxidative cascade at its very beginning before it gets a chance to do damage.
Ehrlich discovered that MB would quickly concentrate in the brain and selectively target diseased tissues in the body.
Methylthioninium chloride is called “Magic Bullet” for this unique action.
Methylthioninium chloride (methylene blue) has since been used to treat dementia, cancer chemotherapy, malaria, methemoglobinemia, urinary tract infections, cyanide, and carbon monoxide poisoning.
You can buy Methylene Blue here below from www.onlyresultscount.com
Colloidal Silver/Gold/Copper…

Only Results Count.com Colloidal silver is a world first exclusive invention and involves multiple processes which takes over 60 hours to complete.
Water has an amazing and beautiful reaction when placed inside an Etheric capacitor. Wilhelm Reich is known to have discovered and pioneered the subject of the “Ethers” of which many now know as “Orgone”. It is an amazing subject and when it is synchronised with the manufacturing of our colloidal silver it produces a fantastic result.
Steam Distilled, Vortex-Restructured-Water.
9999 pure silver (22 appm*)
No Additives
No Karo Oil
No Gelatin
No Bi-Carbonate
No Thickeners
Nothing but ‘Pure Living Water’ and .9999 Fine Silver.
To preserve freshness, store in a cool dry place away from sunlight.(Do not refrigerate)
Colloidal Silver 500 ml
Imprinted with 432 hz
Double Distilled
Structured water 22 ppm.
Apricot Kernel Oil:

The apricot kernel is the seed from inside the apricot stone. It is obtained by cracking open and removing the hard stone shell.
A common myth is that apricot kernels are poisonous however this is incorrect, apricot kernels are only poisonous to cancer cells.
The Kernel contains vitamin B17 (laetrile) which kills cancer. It contains an inactive form of cyanide that is only activated within the cancer cell, which is how it kills cancer. When it encounters a normal cell, it leaves it alone as it does not have the component to activate the cyanide, but a cancer cell does! And it causes the cancer cell to explode and die, while leaving healthy normal cells alone.
Apricot kernels contain the plant toxin amygdalin, which converts to cyanide after eating. Cyanide poisoning can cause nausea, fever, headaches, insomnia, thirst, lethargy, nervousness, joint and muscle aches and pains, and falling blood pressure. In extreme cases, it is fatal.
How many Apricot Kernels should I take per day?
The RDA for amygdalin is 0.37g per adult per day, which is the equivalent of 1-2 small kernels. BUT evidence suggests that a cancer curing dose of Apricot Kernels would be something like 40 per day (20 in the am and 20 in the pm)
These kernels can be bitter or sweet and are known to contain varying amounts of amygdalin. As there is no clear distinction between the amygdalin content of bitter and sweet varieties, this consumption advice relates to both bitter and sweet apricot kernels.
There are many beneficial forms of oil for culinary and therapeutic purposes, but apricot kernel oil is one that many people don’t even know exists. Before adding this unique oil to your health regimen, however, you must understand where it comes from and what potential benefits it holds for your health, as well as any side effects you may experience.
You can buy Apricot Kernel ‘Oil’ here from the link below:
Apricot Kernel Oil 100% natural and pure.
The Plant Paradox Br Dr S. Gundry:
Dr Steven Gundry is one of the worlds most recognised Heart Surgeons. He was part of the team that was involved in the 1st human heart transplant. Dr Gundry turned his back on his star-studded career in cardiology when he realised that almost every medical problem is based on poor diet alone. Over the next few years Gundry treated hundreds of patients with many different health problems via simply diet changed. Heart surgery was avoided, and people cured. 35 years later and Gundry’s work is recognised that world over with hundreds of thousands of cured people, thanks to Gundry’s work. Download this ground-breaking work for free here below. It makes so much common sense. If you have problems with the Gut, Diverticulitis for instance, you can easily cure it by following this short book.
FREE pdf Here
What is shilajit?
Shilajit is a sticky substance found primarily in the rocks of the Himalayas. It develops over centuries from the slow decomposition of plants. It is commonly used in ayurvedic medicine. It’s an effective and safe supplement that can have a positive effect on your overall health and well-being.

More on Shilajit…..
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disorder that causes problems with memory, behaviour, and thinking. Drug treatments are available to improve symptoms of Alzheimer’s. But based on the molecular composition of shilajit, some researchers believe shilajit may prevent or slow the progression of Alzheimer’s.
The primary component of shilajit is an antioxidant known as fulvic acid. This powerful antioxidant contributes to cognitive health by preventing the accumulation of tau protein. Tau proteins are an important part of your nervous system, but a buildup can trigger brain cell damage.
Researchers think that the fulvic acid in shilajit may stop the abnormal build-up of tau protein and reduce inflammation, potentially improving Alzheimer’s symptoms. However, more research and clinical trials are needed.
Low testosterone level
Testosterone is a primary male sex hormone, but some men have a lower level than others. Signs of low testosterone includes
low sex drive
hair loss
loss of muscle mass
increased body fat
In one clinical studyTrusted Source of male volunteers between the ages of 45 and 55, half of the participants were given a placebo and half were given a 250 milligram (mg) dose of purified shilajit twice a day. After 90 consecutive days, the study found that participants receiving purified shilajit had a significantly higher testosterone level compared to the placebo group.
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a long-term condition that causes extreme tiredness or fatigue. CFS can make it difficult to go to work or school, and simple everyday activities can prove challenging. Researchers think that shilajit supplements may reduce symptoms of CFS and restore energy.
CFS has been associated with mitochondrial dysfunction. This occurs when your cells don’t produce enough energy. In a study from 2012, researchers gave lab rats shilajit for 21 days, and then induced CFS by forcing the rats to swim 15 minutes for 21 consecutive days. The results found that shilajit helped reduce the effects of CFS. They think this was the result of the shilajit helping to prevent mitochondrial dysfunction.
Based on these results, naturally boosting your body’s mitochondrial function with shilajit supplements may help improve energy levels.
Since shilajit is rich in fulvic acid, a strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, it may also protect against free radicals and cellular damage. As a result, regular use of shilajit may contribute to longevity, a slower aging process, and overall better health.
High altitude sickness
A higher altitude can trigger a range of symptoms, including:
lethargy, or feeling tired or sluggish
body pain
Altitude sickness can be triggered by low atmospheric pressure, cold temperatures, or high wind velocity. Researchers think that shilajit may help you overcome high altitude problems.
Shilajit contains fulvic acid and more than 84 minerals, so it offers numerous health benefits. It can function as an antioxidant to improve your body’s immunity and memory, an anti-inflammatory, an energy booster, and a diuretic to remove excess fluid from your body. Because of these benefits, shilajit is thought to help counteract many symptoms associated with higher altitudes.
Iron deficiency anaemia
Iron deficiency anemia can result from a low-iron diet, blood loss, or an inability to absorb iron. Symptoms include:
cold hands and feet
irregular heartbeat
Shilajit supplements, however, may gradually increase iron levels.
A study divided 18 rats into three groups of six. Researchers induced anaemia in the second and third group. Rats in the third group received 500 mg of shilajit after 11 days. Researchers collected blood samples from all groups on day 21. The results revealed that rats in the third group had higher levels of haemoglobin, haematocrit, and red blood cells compared to rats in the second group. These are all vital components of your blood.
Shilajit is also a safe supplement for male infertility. In one study, a group of 60 infertile men took shilajit twice a day for 90 days after meals. At the end of the 90-day period, more than 60 percent of the study participants showed an increase in total sperm count. More than 12 percent had an increase in sperm motility. Sperm motility refers to the ability of the sperm in a sample to move adequately, an important part of fertility.
Heart health
Shilajit as a dietary supplement may also improve heart health. Researchers tested the cardiac performance of shilajit on lab rats. After receiving a pre-treatment of shilajit, some rats were injected with isoproterenol to induce heart injury. The study found that rats given shilajit prior to cardiac injury had fewer cardiac lesions.
You shouldn’t take shilajit if you have active heart disease.
Shilajit side effects
Although this herb is natural and safe, you shouldn’t consume raw or unprocessed shilajit. Raw shilajit may contain heavy metal ions, free radicals, fungus, and other contaminations that can make you sick. Whether you purchase online or from a natural or health food store, make sure shilajit is purified and ready for use.
Because this is considered an herbal approach to health, shilajit isn’t monitored for quality, purity, or strength by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Carefully research your options of where to purchase it and choose a reputable source.
Don’t take shilajit if you have sickle cell anemia, hemochromatosis (too much iron in your blood), or thalassemia. It’s possible to be allergic to this supplement. Stop taking shilajit if you develop rash, increased heart rate, or dizziness.
How to use it
Shilajit is available in liquid and powder forms. Always administer supplements according to instructions. If you buy the supplement in liquid form, dissolve a portion the size of a grain of rice or a pea size in liquid and drink one to three times a day (depending on instructions). Or you can take shilajit powder twice a day with milk. The recommended dose of shilajit is 300 to 500 mg per day. Speak with your doctor before taking shilajit.
You can purchase Shilajit here from the link below…
Turkey tail Mushrooms
Researchers continue to examine the potential of using extract or treatments derived from turkey tail mushrooms to prevent or treat several kinds of cancer.
Although some study results are promising, turkey tail can’t replace anticancer drugs. They should only be used by people with cancer if recommended by their oncologist.

More on Turkey Tail mushrooms & what they can do for various cancers….
Breast cancer
Women undergoing treatment for breast cancer might benefit from turkey tail mushroom agents.
In fact, a 2008 review called for more research on the potential of turkey tail mushroom and its PSK for breast cancer. It was proposed as add-on immunotherapy therapy that you’d take after primary breast cancer treatment, like surgery or chemotherapy.
A 2012 study followed up on this call for research. The study was small, with only nine participants. However, the researchers found that a daily oral preparation containing Trametes versicolor powder improved immune status after standard treatment for breast cancer.
Additionally, they found that the preparation was well tolerated by the participants in the study.
While more research is needed, an in vitro 2013 study published in 2013 showed promise in using an extract derived from turkey tail mushrooms in treating leukemia.
The researchers studied the effect of an extract taken from Trametes versicolor mushrooms treat leukemia cells. They compared its use alone versus a combination of Trametes versicolor and Ganoderma lucidum, or reishi mushroom.
The researchers found that the combination was more potent than Trametes versicolor alone. They think this may be because the two different mushrooms affect different biological processes.
This combination may help cancer patients on a broader level. In one 2019 study, a team of researchers reviewed 23 clinical trials involving more than 4,200 patients.
They found that products containing these two mushrooms may indeed improve both survival and quality of life for some people with certain types of cancer, including breast, lung, and gastrointestinal cancers.
Colon cancer
Another study that looked at the use of extracts derived from two types of mushrooms, including turkey tail mushrooms, found promise in treating colon cancer cells.
One 2019 studyTrusted Source examined the effects of using Trametes versicolor and Grifola frondosa, which is perhaps better known as the maitake or hen-of-the-woods mushroom.
Together, the two mushroom extracts demonstrated the ability to stop cancer cells from spreading. The researchers also found the two extracts together could even enhance the effectiveness of a drug often used to treat colorectal cancers, 5-fluorouracil.
A 2015 review of 11 clinical trials and an additional 17 preclinical studies found that using PSK from the Trametes versicolor mushrooms helped lung cancer patients who underwent radiation treatment live longer.
The extract also seemed to improve other aspects of the patients’ progress, including body weight, immune function, and quality of life.
Other cancers
People living with other cancers may benefit from turkey tail mushrooms, too. For example, a review of eight studies that included more than 8,000 people with gastric cancer found that adding PSK to their chemotherapy helped them live longer.
Are there any possible side effects?
Turkey tail mushrooms are generally considered safe. However, people with mushroom or mold allergies should steer clear of them.
While they’re generally considered safe, turkey tail mushrooms can occasionally have a few side effects to be aware of, including
- digestive upset, such as diarrhea, gas, or bloating
- darker pigment in your fingernails
It’s also important to keep in mind that the FDA doesn’t regulate dietary supplements in the same way that it regulates conventional medicines. Proceed with caution and talk with a healthcare professional about any supplements you’re thinking of taking.
How do I take turkey tail mushroom?
In traditional Asian medicine, turkey tail mushrooms have often been brewed as a tea. Many people still prefer this option.
It can also be consumed in powder form or even made into capsules. You can add a little turkey tail mushroom powder to a smoothie or make a broth with it. Just be sure to carefully follow the instructions on the package.
Depending on the outcomes of ongoing research, there may be even more options in the future if your doctor thinks it might help you recover from cancer.
Recently, researchers have found that different parts of the mushroom may provide different benefits.
In fact, a 2019 study found that a fermented substrate of the turkey tail mushroom seemed to have unique beneficial components compared with other parts of the mushroom.
Although these results are promising, people with cancer shouldn’t try turkey tail before consulting with their oncologist. It’s important to discuss your interest in any alternative treatment for cancer with your doctor to make sure it’s a safe and appropriate choice for your health.
You can buy Turkey-Tail mushrooms from this link below…

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Restructured Water:

Structured water or Water Restructuring is a process to use powerful magnetic ‘Gauss’ from Neodymium magnets, set in opposition to each other N/N S/S. As the water passes thru this section the magnetic Gauss forces out things like Chlorine, which is stored in water as a Gas, along with restructuring the actual water itself. These units are based off of the work of Viktor Schauberger (30 June 1885 – 25 September 1958) I myself have used these for many years and they are very effective and do indeed do what the manufacturer claims. The predecessor to this unit pictured is the cheaper version, the ‘Super Imploder’ which is still available at about half the cost of this unit pictured for IRO £2,000, the ‘Ultra Imploder. The ‘Super Imploder is IRO £400 and is ideal for a large family home/Allotment or Garth.
More on Restructured Water
Restructured Water is sometimes called magnetized or hexagonal water, refers to water with a structure that has supposedly been altered to form a hexagonal cluster. Water is constantly re-cycled thru the treatment systems around the world, we boil it, toxify it, pollute it with all manner of noxious toxins and substances and it gets recycled yet again and again. during this process it loses its molecular shape and structure. The magnetic Gauss in the Super imploder/Ultra Imploder forces back the water molecules to the original cohesion structure of natural water.
Imploded water is easier for your body to process, cleaner and far healthier than non-restructured water, no matter how pure it may be, it will always be better to implode it.
soft and vibrant water more easily penetrates soil, spreads across a wider area of ground, helps soil retain moisture, stimulates soil nutrients and enhances root and plant growth, reducing irrigation requirements by 20% in agricultural applications.
Save 10-50% in chemical use. lessens the need for fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides by making inputs more soluble. Eliminate wetting agents, reduce chlorines for cleaning and sanitizing by half, and eliminate acid wash for scale and corrosion. Less scale build up in pipe, better flow due to friction loss. Boost productivity from 10-30%. Better yields. Less fertilizers and chemicals needed. Less maintenance. Save time.
It is suggested to re-circulate the water thru the Imploder, over a short time this will increase the Ph of the water from 7Ph – 9ph just from recirculating.
The water will stay ‘imploded’ and retain the restructured cohesion for no more that 72hours if not recirculating.
Chemical-Free and no moving parts zero maintenance.

Kambo/Sapo – a Natural & Healthy version of Chemotherapy, for want of a better description. Produced from the Parotid gland of a Peruvian tree frog, the poison enters the body through the lymphatic system via a small burn on the forearm or elsewhere on the body and the poison gets to work. This must only be done by an experienced Kambo practitioner, there are many in the UK and Globally. Kambo poison is lethal and will kill in just minutes if it enters the blood stream, eyes, mouth etc. There is no antidote for this.
Contact us for a list of UK registered Kambo Practitioners.
‘Kambo’ will ‘Kick-Start’ your immune system in to working correctly again, it will also clean your entire system out….literally. I have used this several times, its horrible, its likely the worst half hour of your entire life….when you take Kambo ‘feeling poorly’ is an understatement. But it works very effectively and very fast. I had a kidney infection in Spain in 2017 from accidentally drinking water from a festering tank by mistake for several days. I was unable to walk and could only lay flat on the floor for 12 days in a row in agony, sipping water, vomiting cold sweats & shivers. I could not eat during this time. On the 13th day I literally forced myself to go & see a Kambo practitioner friend who lived an hours drive away. They put 5 ‘dots’ of Kambo on my arm and I fell on the floor convulsing and vomiting profusely for about 20 minutes. I thought I was dying, and I would have been happy to at that point, but after the Kambo poison was wiped off my arm & a bucket of ice water thrown in my face, I was actually better than ‘fine’ within 15 minutes I felt 100% and I was starving hungry – we drove to a village and I had a huge steak within 45 minutes of recovering from the Kambo. Its AMAZING how well this works, & how little it is known or discussed.
Rife Machine:
Royal Raymond Rife (May 16, 1888 – August 5, 1971)
The use of frequency instruments has been around for well over a century. We just don’t tend to think of these instruments as frequency devices. Devices like electro-cauterization units and electric scalpels are frequency instruments. Pulsed short wave diathermy used for deep tissue heating, TENS units, ultra sound units, Bio Feedback devices, Micro Current devices, Bone Growth Stimulators and Lasers, are all frequency devices.
There are many other devices in common usage that depend upon the use of frequencies. Those frequencies often are specific to the production of a desired physiological effect. So the use of frequencies is nothing new, and are in use every minute of every day worldwide helping people.”
Dr. James Bare – Rife Machine Expert

iTorus – The Next Level In Quantum Therapy

The iTorus is the world’s most advanced Pulsed Tachyon Bio Rejuvenation® vortex coil that generates a powerful square-wave centripetal field, similar to Tesla’s Bifilar coil.