If you are easily offended….please skip this page.

Please do not be offended, but this needs to be said by someone because people are completely misinformed from the top down and its costing the lives of the people that you love & care about….
I do not mean to cause upset or anger with the info on this page, but it needs to be said and I’m not hearing it being said from anywhere else…..
I see so many Children’s Cancer groups on Instagram & other social media platforms. Children with shaved heads and tubes in their noses, intravenous drips in arms. waiting for Chemo…….hoping to be lucky enough to get it. Or I have seen other posts, with ‘new’ intervention of injecting the tumour with a parts of ‘dead virus’ and other pointlessly barbaric ideas that could well make it worse.
I have reached out with messages offering free help to many many groups, and not one single person replied, ever. This is such a shame because I can actually help. Maybe they think its all a Scam? who knows as there are many fraudsters out there ripping people off, but I do not charge, and I have nothing for sale either. I’m happy to give my own time for free to help people understand that Cancer does not need to be as scary as we think. I do not make any money whatsoever from any aspect of this, its my hobby only.
A little about myself & how came to be doing this…
I myself have been in the cannabis industry for 35 years. I accidentally fell into the healing side of cannabis in the 2010 after a discussion with a woman suffering from M.S. I saw what smoking a vaporiser of cannabis flower did for this woman, who could hardly walk in a straight line due to the tremors/spasms before the 2 second puff on the vaporizer. 8 seconds later she was absolutely fine, no tremors whatsoever and this was the case for the next 2 hours when the tremors returned, but in that time we went shopping for grocery’s in town, and I sat with her in the Tattoo shop while she had a tattoo. Two hours later when we returned to her home, the tremors had just started again, she had another puff on the vape, and she then has about another 2 hours of normality to get chores done etc before the tremors/spasms start again. I could not believe it, it was miraculous.
This woman had tried Sativex and all of the other options available at that time, and nothing worked except a small amount of a harmless, yet illegal plant. Some of the previous medications she tried actually made her sick, and did nothing for her symptoms whatsoever..
In 2014 following an ankle operation, whilst I was off work for 6 months I attended a Business course (NEA) on behalf of the Job Centre & Anglia Ruskins University. My business plan was to open a Hydroponic retail store & import Hydroponic equipment from China & brand our own range of plant nutrients to sell online & instore. The business plan was based on cannabis cultivation equipment for the illegal recreational market in the UK, but targeted at the medicinal aspect to the illegal recreational market. I backed up the business plan with ‘Amendment 64’ info (the reason America went legal in most states for medicinal cannabis use) and it was my best attempt, the course itself was only 4 days long. The industry & end users of my products will be cultivating cannabis illegally. Bit of a ‘grey’ area.
So no one was more surprised than I was, 11 weeks later, when not only did the Job Centre love the marketing strategy & concept, but so did 2 of the 3 panel members of the Anglia Ruskins University Business Judges, and also the Business Manager at my local HSBC branch.
I had kind of expected to be sat in an room for a couple of hours being interviewed by the police, which is what my peers assumed also. But the Job Centre gave me £2,500 start-up grant, and HSBC gave me a £12,000 business start-up loan. Quite surreal to be honest.
So I opened a Hydroponic retail store in Colchester Essex UK. Then I researched more into the medicinal effects of the cannabis plant and found that there is much more to this plant than the public ever get to hear about.
I moved to Spain in 2015 to obtain a provincial Licence to cultivate cannabis and extract it under Club-based conditions, into different preparations for medicinal purposes. I grew 30-50 different strains of cannabis organically outside in the 40-degree sun in Southern Spain, with natural Spring water flowing through the land, and the perfect conditions to bring out the plant’s natural oils.
Between 2015 & 2018 I treated 9 people for Various different cancers with the extracted oils from these 30-50 strains of cannabis. Of that 9 people ranging from 6yr old girl, to an 83yr old man, 4 of these people had had Chemo twice and it failed, they were given between 6 & 18 months to live, yet all 9 are still alive 5, 6, 7 years later & they no longer have cancer.
In 2017, a few months after I won a ‘Cannabis Cup’ In Granada Spain, the CBD laws were relaxed in the UK after the ‘Downey’ case. I attended a Parliamentary debate on Cannabis & Children’s Rights in London. It was at that point that ‘Big Business’ stepped into the UK cannabis market, and a few days later I was asked to help set up a company for medicinal cannabis grow operations by various pharmaceutical interests all over the World to design the large scale industrial grow and extraction facility’s to create a GMP/API (Good Manufacturing Process / Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) cannabis flower & products to order by pharmacies Globally.
Then came Covid-19. Now, waiting to re-enter the cultivation space in Europe, post-covid, I help people who are ill, mostly with cancer, for free. I’m not a health care professional and i have no medical training whatsoever. But I do know how to get rid of most cancers and i feel that this information should be free. I have been saved several times from the clutches of NHS hospitals when i have been very poorly myself and clueless what to do, not with cancer, but let me give you one of 4 very pertinent examples of why i do not use anything pharmaceutical or any modern intervention unless its 100% necessary. but how do you know what is necessary? Let me explain:
In 2018 in December I collapsed at a friend’s house after eating a roast dinner. I was in agony and couldn’t walk. My stomach was so painful that I could not stand up. 24 hours later i was in Hospital on a drip. The next day I was woken at 08:30 by a consultant and several nurses, the consultant introduced himself, & informed me that he “will be the surgeon performing the operation to remove several feet of bowl, and fit a colostomy bag…”.
I sat up in bed like a Bolt of lightning, eyes wide open….”WHAT???”… I said.
I was informed that I had ‘severe acute diverticulitis’ and that I will need an operation in 6 weeks time to fit the colostomy bag. I was 46yrs old then, and I didn’t fancy the idea of a colostomy bag too much. The following morning whilst still in hospital, i got a call from a lovely friend in Spain, Marina was calling to ask how I am as I had not seen her in 6 months. I explained where i was and what had happened and she said “Don’t worry about that, call my friend Rowan, he will sort that out, you wont need an operation”. I replied, ‘Marina, you don’t understand, I’m here now in hospital, yesterday I had a consultant with a white jacket and stethoscope, he even had a clipboard & round glasses on, and he was with 4 other clever-looking professionals…..and he said I need a colostomy bag, he wasn’t joking mate…’
So, with literally nothing to loose I called Rowan. Best thing I could have done, because Rowan is a Naturopathic GP. Who completely cured my Diverticulitis in under 6 weeks with raw Sweet Potato & Fresh Lemon juice in spring water. I went back to the hospital 6 weeks later on the day the operation was booked in for, and they could not find anything to operate on! I was gobsmacked, so was the consultant. “Its your lucky day” said the nurse who was operating the camera inserted in my rear end.
The panicle of modern Medical Science wanted to remove several feet of my bowl and fit a Colostomy Bag……and 6 weeks later it was cured by eating JUST raw Sweet Potato & Lemon juice…….for 6 weeks. let that sink in.
That’s just one example of several personal examples I can share. These are not isolated instances, they are going on all day every day in every hospital in the world. The consultants and specialists are incredibly well trained professional experts…..but they cant tell you what they do not know themselves, about other interventions. If they are not taught that sweet potato & lemon juice can cure diverticulitis, then how can they share that with you?

There are many important facts here that the health service just does not know about so they cant inform you about it. When you get sick you ask your GP what to do, if they are not informed about the facts of C.I.T (Cannabinoid Intervention Therapy) then how can they possibly inform you about it? That’s why so common we hear the same ‘party-line’ response from the health care systems professionals…..“…..Anecdotal evidence suggests that cannabis may be beneficial in fighting cancer…..However…..”.
Basically if cannabis is prepared correctly in the correct format and prescribed at the right *dosage, then yes it will cure all cancers. Its not a ‘maybe’, it will. So will several other products discussed on this website, which when combined with C.I.T is almost a guarantee of the ‘All-Clear’ in a years time.
*The right dosage is to start off very small. If for instance it was in oil form in a pipetted bottle, then I would recommend 1 single Drip on Day-1 regardless of perceived strength as manufacturing difference & extraction technique & experience of the person making the oil brings huge variety in quality, potency and hence, efficacy.
Day-1 1 Drip
Day-2 2 Drips
Day-3 2 Drips
Day-4 4 Drips
Day-5 4 Drips
Day-6 7 Drips
Day-7 14 Drips
Get up to 30 drips by the end of week 2.
You can reduce this or take more as you see fit – I recommend starting off small to avoid any unnecessary trips to A&E hallucinating on highly potent cannabis oil buy accident not realising its strength. This is a side-effect of an unregulated quasi-legal industry. Hospitalisations have happened before, but its nothing harmful and the feeling will soon pass, so please use common sense and start off micro-dosing for a few days then gradually increase the dose. Or some people will be able to double the dose daily, Everyone’s tolerance to cannabis and its effects are slightly different, so what maybe un-noticed by one person, may be felt as an overwhelming feeling by someone else, which can be quite scary if you are not expecting it and have never taken a cannabis product before, so we recommend always starting off very small doses and build your tolerance up gradually.

To give you an idea of the mg (milligram) required for a daily dose of Full Spectrum cannabinoid oil, if you already have cancer & want it gone ASAP, is between 45mg and 170+mg oil per day. I would recommend the strongest multi-strain oil (or source about 9 ounces of cannabis flower preferable 9 different strains, as it will take about this amount to cure the cancer. You cannot overdose on cannabis, but you can feel extremely unwell if you do a large dose on your first experience, so please be careful. If this happens, drink plenty of water or orange juice and lay down for a few hours – it will pass. The following day if you take the same dose, you will notice that the effect is less, and so on over the next few weeks you will be able to do high doses and function quite normally. this changes rapidly tho after even only 1 day off…..so be prepared and make no plans for the day.
Do not drive and do not operate machinery when taking cannabis products containing THC
The key is to start off very small doses and get up to quite high doses as soon as you feel able to, but preferably as soon as possible. A High Dose in the most common form seen for cannabis oil being 15ml Pipetted Bottles, is considered to be a full pipette+ (a half of a Pipette being equal to approx 0.68mg dose of at least 45mg of true-multi-spectrum cannabinoid oil.
A half of one full pipette should make a 15ml bottle last 28-31 days @ half of 1 pipette per day. but doubling this should be done at the least for a rapid restore to health. The intoxicated feeling is however far more preferable to Chemo as you know that this feeling brings with it great healing.
You will start feeling better quite soon even if you are stage-4 you should start feeling much better after a few weeks on a high strength multi strain oil. Not taking enough oil is not going to mean that it will not work, it will just take longer.

To treat other cancers quickly, you will need to prepare the flower into decarboxylated oil buy slowly heating it to no more than 115-120 degree C until it starts to boil. Cooking a ‘Hash Cake’ in the oven decarboxylates the cannabis inside the cake that’s why eating hash cakes works so well recreationally, for instance.
Prescription cannabis is only ever 1 strain maybe 2 if you are lucky. 1 strain of cannabis has a certain set of cannabinoids in it, maybe 1 or 2 main ones and 8 or 9 others in lesser percentages. In the cannabis world there are 113 cannabinoids and 108 Terpenes & flavonoids and your prescription is for 1 type of flower. If you had access to more strains already prepared into oil form correctly then you could cure any cancer in short time because of the ‘Entourage Effect’ and higher dosing. The worst side effect is only going to be feeling ‘stoned’ which is, when you are a little used to it, quite a nice feeling and people pay good money to feel like that recreationally……not quite the same with chemotherapy, people don’t buy Chemo to make them feel good.

The key to taking high potency cannabis oil is to start off with a tiny tiny amount, and as each day passes, double the tiny amount and so on. If you have already got cancer then you will need to be ‘stoned’/’high’ to cure it as THC the main psychoactive ingredient found in cannabis will need to be present in much higher amounts as it is THC that is the master ‘key’ that augments most of this work being carried out ‘Entourage Effect’.

To prevent cancer in your body, smoking cannabis will work, but to cure cancer, you will need far higher concentrations of the cannabinoids in a higher %.

If you had the extract of approximately 30 different strains of cannabis, a mixture of Indica, sativa, Ruderalis & Hybrid, prepared correctly and decarboxylated at the correct temperature in a vacuum preserving the valuable terpenes & flavonoids, as these too have medicinal benefits and terpenes & flavonoids boil off at much lower temps, that’s why we ‘decarb’ them first in a vacuum oven. You would then have the ability to cure ANY cancer in less than 12 months this is a FACT – if you also change your diet as advised on this site and try using Apricot Kernels, Methylene blue, MMS and Chaga Mushrooms, Turmeric, Lemon Juice….then you can be pretty confident that it will work with no technicalities . It is after all, naturally part of our immune system.
It breaks my heart it really does, another little girl with lovely long hair, about to have it shaved off and start a treatment of poison that will surely shorten her life regardless of whether it removes the cancer or not.
Maybe in instances where Great Grandma’s 89yrs old and doesn’t want cannabis oil because she saw a TV advert in 1968 that said Cannabis was bad, she wants Chemo and she’s not worried about dyeing as she’s had a lovely life, she’s made a decision that’s best for her…..GREAT! ‘she‘ has made a decision. Not the same for the poor little girl sitting there with a shaved head being fed shit about how long she has left to live by people who are clue-less about the side-effect free options available as the pharmaceutical interest cant profit from cheap low-cost intervention that is safe and 100% effective, so no oncologists know much about it whatsoever as a direct result of that. If Granny wants to take Chemo and she’s decided…..that’s okay, its her choice…..
But PLEASE think FIRST…….do not panic & put your child thru this insane barbarism. Keep calm, think……what else could there be to cure this?
Wouldn’t it be great if 4 weeks after she started Cannabis oil, the hospital found a red barrier surrounding the tumour and it was actually shrinking…..just think, if you tried true-full spectrum cannabis oil 1st before chemo started, get her on ‘Essiac Tea’, Chaga Mushroom Tea, Methylene Blue, and Apricot Kernels – Change her diet (as advised on this website) in the 4 weeks before chemo starts…….there’s over 99% chance that she will start recovering and the next set of tests that the hospital do prior to Chemotherapy, they will notice (with all their amazing equipment) something positive going on inside the little girl and ‘maybe we should hold back on Chemo and see what happens in 2 weeks if this keeps up she will be fine’.
We are not allowed to say ‘Cure’ apparently because it is politically incorrect as it offends a minority group. This minority group is Big Pharmaceuticals – so ill rephrase it:
‘Make cancer go away, forever’

Its so sad that its actually now a Taboo to discuss ‘healthy’ side-effect free health-care intervention options on serious life-threatening illness, of our own choice because it goes against the financial interests of those governing us (those paying Government huge bribes for favourable business deals) Let that sink in. And feel free to research it yourselves.
The information is in the public domain. Its not a conspiracy theory when the evidence is already well established fact. You cant blame the evidence itself for the fact that the media didn’t tell you about it.
Nurses, Doctors, GP’s & Health Car professionals all shy away from the subject as its not something they have encountered unless in their student days on campus, or when studying they might see some literature on the efficacy of cannabis, but you will not hear anything from most GP’s about cannabis or any other natural intervention being the best….. ‘option for you to take as it will treat that cancer very effectively with no side effects, and you wont need to go into hospital for this treatment, you can stay at home Sir in the comfort of your own home with the family…..come back in a month as we should see some shrinkage in the tumour by then, and stay away from Sugars both natural and synthetic, and stay away from fried food, red meat and Acid based foods” ……
every cancer sufferer should be hearing something like this from their GP.
The ‘party-line’ of……. “Anecdotal evidence suggests cannabis may be useful in some situations…..however…….”. (Which is just ignorance of the facts) is the best thing ‘on record’ that you could possibly hope to hear from your GP or any ‘specialist’ in the UK and many other country’s.
Why though? why is that?
BECSAUSE on this planet at the moment we have two options when we are poorly – Big Pharma,or Natural intervention. Unfortunately Big Pharma’s lure of ‘bling’ new equipment & complex terminology and phrases like ‘state-of-the-art’ & ‘Science’ and the fact that we can now identify much of the body’s internal systems components & constituent parts right down to the molecular level with our technology, we blindly trust places like the NHS. Why on Earth wouldn’t we trust them?
Look at this NHS link below – almost everything that they say on here about cannabis is absolute LIES. These are not mistakes in research by the authors, they are purposeful misinformation from the top down. The unsuspecting author of this hogwash-nonsense from the NHS is probably not to blame as they would have been writing the content from the information available at their disposal….which is also not going to be informing people of the amazing results from a low cost natural plant that grows all over the world and is good at dealing with many of the illness that Big Pharma charge billions for.
Think about that for a second & let that sink in too, because it is your loved one taking their poisonous experiments. And yes chemo & Radio therapy are failed experiments that should have been stopped 50+ years ago.
“You will know a Tree by the fruit it bares” – Mathew 7:16
Look what these crooked bunch of charlatans at the NHS have to say about cannabis (copied from the NHS link above)
It would only be considered when other treatments were not suitable or had not helped, yet it is the BEST option available for a side-effect free speedy recovery.
GP’s are no longer diagnostic practitioners and they have no background in natural intervention as their time wasn’t spent studying this. They are not paid to promote low-cost remedies by the sales reps of Big Pharma. They are bound mind/body & soul to the Big-Pharma machine, mostly, but there are some good ones out there, but it looks like most do not wish to rock-the-boat & risk possible career issues? who knows? but I would assume that if you swore an Oath to ‘First Do No Harm’ then at least looking at the other options would obviously be a wise move?……especially considering that Chemotherapy is known to kill people.
Oncologists don’t contact because the healing modality used for these miraculous results does not fit the criteria, parameters or framework of accepted theory. In each case I have had I have heard something like this from the client:
‘there is a red barrier surrounding the tumour/s, the hospital are doing more tests to see why it is shrinking….”,
Why on Earth would a professional Oncologist possibly entertain the idea of speaking to a common lay-person with no medical training whatsoever, about why their patients cancer is shrinking, and on a subject that they have spent many years & much money & effort themselves mastering? their whole lives in some cases. Even if this common lay-person has just somehow cured their patient of what had been labelled ‘terminal’ cancer, after the hospital themselves failed twice. If you are a professional oncologist, and you tell someone they have 6 months left to live because the Chemo that you prescribed failed twice……your going to have some egg on your face when they are cancer free 7 years later.
The public will not believe anything unless its on the News on TV, and no cures for Cancer will be on the news unless Big Pharma are making massive profits out of it. Natural herbs and plants cannot be patented, so they are discredited instead……. At YOUR detriment.
GP’s and experts are not doing this on purpose, its what they were taught when they got in the industry, and their predecessors before them, and so on. Chemo IS A DANGEROUS FALIURE and you are unwittingly lead to believe that these other side-effect free interventions will not work, when they actually work very well indeed.
There is no need for these poor kids, or anyone to be stuck in hospital with cancer waiting for a drug that could just kill them anyway. Chemotherapy is a failure in itself along with Radiotherapy, failures with low success rates and terrible side effects, plus they are hugely damaging to every other bodily system at the same time –
It is actually that simple – but people cant seem to wrap their heads around this fact.
Its very frustrating, especially when young children are the poorly ones, and when you have the solution to fix this quite quickly with just words of advice over the phone…. and the parents are not interested because they have been brain-washed into thinking that these natural interventions have no merit.
Lots of people started to loose faith in natural medicine around the time that the new modern medical system started to blossom & started transplanting hearts and other organs. This new science and system was futuristic and advanced back then in 1950′s and understandably it was more attractive. Just as it is today with our astounding microscopic mRNA Gene editing technology, CRISPR Tech & MRI scanners etc.
Natural remedies and interventions are not trusted to work as well as medication because we thought we had made progress and didn’t need them anymore:
“What can a silly little flower do to help my cancer when Big Pharma pump billions into research & development, and they are still looking for the cure for cancer? My Oncologist said that I have 18 months left because Chemo failed twice and the cancer is spreading like wildfire & there are no other options“
Reactions like this are the norm, but there are key steps in the thought processes being left out as incorrect assumptions have already been made when formulating a question like that in your mind. The 1st assumption is that ‘Science’ has looked into it and obviously found nothing to it, or that the Big Pharma version is modern, created in a state-of-the-art laboratory, and is better by default costing £80+ Million in R&D to develop & bring to market.
This is a huge mistake and the myth is kept alive because very few people actually do their own research, rather they automatically trust that ‘they’ (consensus-science in general) have already looked into this topic in depth & detail for many years, therefore there’s no need to waste my valuable time researching this as people who spent years studying this have come to a collective conclusion already a long time ago and ‘I’m too busy to look myself, ill just take their word for it…’ Same with your GP, if your GP tells you that you have cancer, you are not going to doubt the diagnosis. They are the experts who have already researched everything about their section of the medical industry, for a very long time, so why on Earth would you doubt their word?
Do YOUR OWN research
Let me prove it? Anyone with any stage of cancer, free treatment you don’t even need to leave your home, we can do it over the phone – I can explain what to get and where you can get it, how & why it works and what to do with it.
And then in less than a year you too can join the growing list of people who…….”Can’t believe it actually worked…thank you so much!”.