What to eat to Alkalise the body.

Cancer cannot survive in a body with a Ph of 7.5Ph-11Ph so the cancer is unable to spread if you can achieve this thru diet. Then we can target the cancer specifically with C.I.T and a range of other natural ingredients. You will also feel 10X better, younger and have more energy….

Take a moment to look thru this diet guide explaining what to eat and what not to eat. Please feel free to contact us if there is anything you would like to add as this section will grow rapidly with the input of others out there with different knowledge and different recipes..
Eating the right foods will greatly boost your body’s natural ability to heal itself and, combined with a daily supplement of True multi-strain Full Spectrum Organic High-Grade THC Cannabinoid oil, your immune system will be functioning at its best, keeping you and your family safe from a plethora of health issues.
To naturally beat cancer and other debilitating illnesses and disease, it is important to re-assess one’s diet. The information in this information is designed to save you time researching the often conflicting and confusing information available online, to help you select the right kinds of foods that you like that are also good for you.

It is only when several events occur together that cancer and many other ‘new’ 21st Century diseases can develop. A reduced immune system along with a deficiency in the body’s micro-nutrients and the incorrect pH of the food and water we ingest can all contribute to the development of disease and illness. By correcting some or all of these with natural methods we can bring the body back into balance and restore it to homeostasis.
To guide our bodies back to wellbeing naturally, we should first start by educating ourselves. For instance, knowing that cancer cannot exist in an alkaline environment, we should be doing all we can to change this and ‘alkalize’ the body.
How do we eat healthily for medicinal reasons?
Generally, good things to eat will be any foods with a higher alkaline content known as ‘alkalising foods’. A quick Internet search for this keyword will bring up many more options of other alkalising foods and also recipes for combining these into a greater variety of menu options. It can be quite daunting to realise that not only are we eating all the wrong foods but we also do not have a clue what we should be eating or even how to cook them. Here are a few alkalizing foods to give you a start on understanding how to eat foods to help your body heal itself and prevent illness:
Important Facts To Remember
These are the facts that everyone should be aware of – especially those with cancer or other serious illness.
FACT 2: CANCER CAN’T EXIST IN A BODY pH greater than 7.5 pH. (Alkaline).
FACT 5: A vegan diet is very healthy approach and should be considered if defeating cancer or other serious illness is desired.
How Much Sugar Should I Cut Out?
Sugars feed cancer, so try, where possible, to eradicate it from your diet completely. Natural sugars are better – Honey, Manuka Honey and other natural sugars i.e. the sugars found in fruit (fructose). preferably cut out ALL sugars even natural ones, or save them for ‘special treats’. Always Buy organic produce where possible, as this is far more preferable to use. Completely avoid anything sweetened with artificial sweeteners such as ‘aspartame’ and ‘Saccharin’ etc as these chemicals are far worse for our body’s than sugar is.
Sugar also creates an acidic environment in the body. By starving the cancer of its food supply it will be far easier to tackle and easier to treat naturally. With the added benefit of fortifying your immune system with True Multi-strain High-Grade Full Spectrum THC Cannabinoid Oils or extracts, your immune system will be able to flourish, keeping your body topped up with all of the cannabinoids so your immune system is ready to deal with any onslaught it encounters.
Some people find it hard to cut out all sugar. If you are finding this is a problem then a quick Internet search for “Acid Alkaline food chart” will help you make better and more informed choices. Some foods are only slightly acidic and can be included in your diet at a sensible amount.

If you can cut out at least 90% of processed sugars from your diet then you are literally starving the cancer of its food supply. The higher percentage you can do, the better. So try to eliminate 100% of processed sugars out of your diet, if possible. Raw juicing organic vegetables and some fruit is one of the best ways to do this. Raw vegetables juicing for example creates an alkaline environment and is a great way to quickly introduce the right vitamins to your body.
Your diet should be high in protein, high in saturated fat (yes, high in saturated natural fats) and low to no carbohydrates. Carbohydrates contain sugar and, because sugar feeds cancer, we are starving the cancer cells of its main source of food to survive.
Having a tiny bit of sugar i.e. the odd bit of chocolate is not going to do any harm. So, don’t panic if you have a tiny bit of something prohibited in this information guide. It is the larger diet change that we are seeking to establish.
The diet is as important as the cannabis oil. Within days of changing your diet symptoms will start to improve. The idea is to starve the cancer of its main food source: sugar. Sugar feeds cancer. This was actually proven in 1931 by Otto Warburg. Changing your diet will provide your body with strength and your immune system with what it needs to heal and be strong and it is a strong immune system that kills everything and protects us from outside influences.
Drinking Water
A good start is changing the water we drink. The pH of tap water and bottled water varies but is usually a pH of approximately 7. This is classed as neutral. The pH scale goes from 1 pH (Acidic) to 14 pH (Alkaline). There are water filters and treatment systems for the home and office on the market that raise the pH to much higher levels. We need to alkalize the body to no lower than 7.5pH and no higher than 9.5pH. 75% of our bodies are made up of water and water is in every cell in the body. This simple awareness of what a higher alkaline water can do on its own for your health is a great way to physically and consciously make a change to help your body fight off disease and infection. Cancer will find it hard to take a grip on your body with every cell in the body being fed with a much higher alkaline-enriched water.
Porridge with Manuka Honey
Better without the honey as even honey is not good for you if you have cancer, Acid & Sugars are cancers best friends.
Porridge is a complex carbohydrate and releases energy more slowly so you are less likely to crave sugar and snack on bad food.
Raw Fruit and Vegetable Juicing – Why do we need to juice?
Cancer also occurs because there is a lack of nutritional minerals within the cell and overtime this can cause problems and needs to be corrected. Raw juicing ‘Alkalizes’ the body. So get raw juicing! This is a very good idea for people who are fighting cancer. If we eat the right foods we can get the right vitamin levels naturally from good organic fruit and vegetables which saves on buying the tablet versions. Supermarket fruit and vegetables are full of pesticides and are only going to damage the body and not give it the correct nutrition it needs from clean, pure food. Always try only to consume organic fruit and vegetables where possible purchased from an organic food shop. It can actually be cheaper than supermarket fruit and vegetables and it is far healthier an option as it is grown naturally with no pesticides on it. Juices should be blended raw. Some fruits such as bananas are high in natural sugars. We do not want to be feeding diseases such as cancer with lots of these. So pick and choose the best fruits for you. A quick Internet search will provide many types of fruit low in sugars. Also refer to the Food Appendix at the end of this document.
If you are new to juicing vegetables and fruits, below is a good juice recipe to get you started:
Drink first thing in the morning
Always have every morning this raw juice drink:
1 apple
1 beetroot
1 carrot
1 whole lemon
Juice and drink

Drink in the afternoon
Asparagus – a handful (2-3 stalks)
1 Avocado
Walnuts – a handful
Juice and drink
These two drinks should be taken every day.
Raw Juicing Machines
A ‘cold press’ juicer is preferred as opposed to a centrifugal juicer (e.g. Nutri-Bullet). The cold press juicer has two spouts one which the juice comes out of and one which the pulp comes out of. A cold press juicer retains 73% of the nutrients and vitamins in the juice. It is the easiest to clean and use and, from all the research, the best on the market.
All other juicers (e.g. Nutri-Bullet), though quick and easy, will only retain around 23-30% of the vitamins as the rest will be crushed away. As the point of juicing is to get those nutrients as well as alkalising the body, a cold press juicer is very important but will probably be a bit more expensive.
Eggs – Raw or Boiled
The benefits and nutrients in a whole egg are immense. It is important to make sure the egg is certified organic. Unrefrigerated eggs are best as once they have been refrigerated their nutritional value is diminished. The more you tamper with an egg, by cooking or beating it, the more you breakdown its nutritional value. That’s why raw eggs are, in fact, best. Cooked egg is better than none, so if you prefer boiled that is fine. All it means is some nutritional value will be lost but it is not going to make a huge difference.
Do not eat fried eggs – Frying eggs turns them acidic and it is acid that we are trying to avoid as we move into a more alkaline diet.
Source Produce Locally
Where possible know your source of foods to ensure the finest quality of all of your foodstuffs. Quite often people wrongly assume the better quality farm fresh local meats, vegetable and products sold direct to the public from the farm shop are going to be expensive, but this is often a fallacy. Source all your food locally, if you have the opportunity. It is often the same price or cheaper for like-for-like products and of far greater nutritional value and does not contain the unnecessary additives found in high-production, intensively-farmed produce.
Food Supplements
We are trying to assist the cannabis oil in doing its job. So think of the supplements as helpers. Although, they are powerful in themselves – killing cancer cells, boosting the immune system or just helping clear the dead cancer cells via the liver. When taking any supplements, introduce them gradually, not all at once. If one does not agree with you for whatever reason, try replacing it with another.
Useful Anti-carcinogenic Supplements
Allicin – The natural compound found in garlic (Nature’s antibiotic). It kills viruses and infections very efficiently. Take as much as is needed several tablets one every 30 min to an hour until feeling improvement. It is not possible to overdose on them.
Colloidal Silver – Kills infections, viruses, allergy and great as a general immune system booster and for healing. It is available both in liquid bottle and spray form. Take several times a day and more generally, when needed. As a general preventative take 15ml a day. YOU CANNOT OVERDOSE ON THIS. Take as much as required and also as a preventative. It is like having a second immune system, totally safe and works very fast and is inexpensive. Take as much as required in 15ml capsules several times a day, if necessary.
Apricot Kernels – These contain vitamin B17 (laetrile) which kills cancer. It contains an inactive form of cyanide that is only activated within the cancer cell, which is how it kills cancer. When it encounters a normal cell, it leaves it alone as it does not have the component to activate the cyanide, but a cancer cell does! And it causes the cancer cell to explode and die, while leaving healthy normal cells alone. (A common myth is that apricot kernels are poisonous however this is incorrect, apricot kernels are only poisonous to cancer cells).
Turkey Tail Mushrooms – Good for breast cancer
Shitake Mushrooms – Boosts the Immune system
Maitake Mushroom Extract – Anti-carcinogenic properties
Reishi Mushroom – Dose: 2-3 capsules, 2-3 times a day
Chia seeds – Excellent source of Omega 3 and antioxidants
Milk thistle – Clears toxins from dead cancer cell breakdown
Spirulina – Alkalises the body
Chorella – Alkalises the body
Q10 – Gives energy to every cell in body
Essiac Tea – Builds up the immune system
Black seed oil – Nigella Sativa – known to kill a whole range of cancers
Frankinsence oil – Natural antibiotic that wards off infection
Noni juice – Multi-purpose healing drink
Green Tea – Loaded with antioxidants
Peppermint Tea – Good for nausea
Organic Apple cider vinegar – Must contain ‘Mother’ – fights cancer
Dandelion tea – Relieves digestive ailments and constipation
Liposomol Vitamin C – A higher % absorbed form of Vitamin C than regular Vitamin C
Wheat Grass – Contains over 80 trace minerals
Gut Flora (healthy gut bacteria)
A good balance of beneficial bacteria in your gut is important because they synthesise essential vitamins and anti-inflammatory agents. They take heavy metals out of your system and they keep the bad guys (yeasts and parasites) in check.
Yeasts – Excessive yeasts are thought to be present in 80% of the UK population. ‘Candida Albicans’ is the main culprit and this leads to thrush, cystitis, yellow toe nails, bloating and wind. If beneficial bacteria are not present in the right quantities, yeasts and microbes multiply resulting in gut problems such as IBS, Crohns disease and ulcers. Candida or systemic fungal infections have been linked to cancers and leukaemia for many years. Candida overgrowth can lead to immune suppression and a whole range of other seemingly non-related health issues.
Antibiotics, radiation, chemotherapy all disturb the balance of the gut flora. Chlorinated water, drugs, pasteurised foods all reduce beneficial bacteria and weaken the immune system. It is the result of a weak immune system that cancer can eventually occur.
In a case history in America a nurse with leukaemia was cured by killing her yeasts. There are lots of natural foods that kill off yeasts: Garlic, Chilli, Bee Propolis, Cinnamon, Coconut, Nutmeg, Fennel, Oregano, Pau d’Arco.
Parasites – include liver flushes, viruses and yeasts. The causes of cancer are many and varied. Research is on-going but there seems to be a link between parasites and cancer.
Antibiotics – are linked to higher rates of cancers. U.S research concluded that women who had had more than 25 doses of antibiotics in their lifetimes had doubled their risk of breast cancer.
Probiotics – ’Pre-biotics’ and ‘Pro-biotics’ are both very important. Cancer, as we have said before, occurs due to several factors, one of the most important being an imbalance in gut flora (good bacteria) in the gut. Chemotherapy wipes out the good bacteria in the gut, so is important to replace it.
It might sound a lot but a ’probiotic’ with millions or even a few billion good bacteria is not enough to deal with a serious illness. But by correcting the gut bacteria imbalance and taking a pro-biotic with over 60 billion bacteria or more, again cancer will find it hard to thrive or even survive in this environment. Probiotics with 150 Billion Bacteria are preferred.
Take Probiotics and/or ‘Acidophilus’. By taking high-strength probiotics and prebiotics you can fill the gut with good bacteria.
Cancer also occurs from cell nutritional deficiency. So, as well as alkalizing the body, eating vegetables and low sugar fruit provides the body with a great source of natural nutrition. This is vital to strengthen the immune system and is ultimately what will kill the cancer as well as cure other illnesses.
When we fry or boil food we destroy a lot of the nutritional value in it. By steaming our food, it retains all the vital nutrients which are converted by your body and into the cells that need it. Frying food also makes it acidic in the body and we are looking to alkalize the body as much as possible. So steaming our food is the best way of cooking it.
Oxygenating the Body
Cancer cannot exist in an oxygenated environment – 20 minutes light exercise a day oxygenates the body and as we know, cancer cannot exist in an oxygenated environment. If possible, bathe in ‘Food Grade’ hydrogen peroxide – put a cupful in a warm bath and lay in the bath for half an hour as this oxygenates the body.
Foods to Avoid
All the following foods make the body acidic and as we have come to see, cancer feeds off an acidic and sugary environment. Eat from the list below as a special treat, if desired, but certainly try to banish these foods completely:
Avoid tap water and most bottled water
These have chlorine added to aid shelf-life and ‘Fluoride’. Also the plastic of many release harmful chemicals from the plastic into the water over time and as most of these bottles on the shelves in supermarkets have been sitting there in the warehouses for up to a year sometimes before they reach the shelves. The decay process is probably taking place in a lot of them already. Use a water machine instead and choose one that raises the alkaline content as oppose to reducing it. Avoid cheap water filters as the water is not filtered very well and tends to lean towards an acidic end of the pH spectrum 5-6pH which is what we are trying to avoid.
Avoid Fried Food
Alcohol in moderation
If it is desired, try and stick to 1⁄2 a glass of red wine per night as it contains ‘Resveratrol’ which kills cancer – but use this in moderation.
Avoid red meat
Cut out or cut down on red meat protein. Red meat protein is difficult to digest and undigested meat remains in the intestines and leads to toxic build up. This means a lot of digestive enzymes are needed to break it down. These enzymes can break down the tough protein cell wall of the cancer cell but because they are busy dealing with the undigested meat, this leaves cancer cells time to thrive. Meat contains antibiotics, hormones and other unnecessary chemicals and additives and makes the body acidic, thus feeding cancer. Switching to a vegan diet is preferable even if only during your recovery.
Avoid Cow’s milk
Cow’s milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting out cow’s milk and substituting it with unsweetened almond milk, coconut milk or oat milk, cancer cells are being starved. Cow’s milk is also a common allergen that can trigger inflammatory responses E.g. Stomach upsets, skin rashes, constipation, diarrhoea.
Cow’s milk is often processed and can have other unwanted chemicals, steroids and antibiotics added.
Other factors to consider
No fluoride (Euythamol toothpaste is a good substitute)
No aspartame
No red and blue dye (unless Methylene Blue)
No “artificial” colours or flavours
No toxic deodorants – use the ‘crystal stone’ options that allow perspiration but
gets rid of odour naturally. Breast Cancer is one of the leading causes of death amongst women in the 21st Century and one reason for this is that under-arm deodorants employ a plethora of noxious chemicals to help counteract perspiration. Aluminium powder is one of these chemicals and its minute particles get absorbed into the skin and under the arm pit these particles are transmitted directly into the lymphatic system and straight from there to the mammary gland, causing breast cancer.
No acid forming foods or drinks (coffee, black tea, etc.)
No microwaves
No overcooking of foods or beverages
No non-organic fruits or vegetables
No factory farmed or processed meats. Try only to consume organic and grass-fed farm meats where possible.
No inorganic, non-free-range eggs. ONLY organic free-range eggs.
No hormone filled chicken. ONLY organic, non-hormone fed chicken which has been allowed to roam freely.
NO ‘Table’ salt- ONLY non-iodized salt. Avoid Table salt and instead use ‘Himalayan Pink crystal salt’ where possible.
Alkalizing the Body
Foods that we consume change the pH of the body (the pH scale runs from 1-14 and measures the acidity within the body). A pH of 7 is considered neutral, above 7 alkaline and below 7 acidic. We want to try to achieve a ph of above 7 to have our body in an alkaline state.
The Alkaline/Acid food intake ratio should be approximately 80 % Alkaline: 20% Acid
Note that too alkaline an environment in the body leads to ‘Alkalosis’ which can be dangerous.
Cancer exists, thrives and grows in an acidic state (pH below 7). It cannot exist in an environment of 7.4pH or greater. So by eating the right foods and drinking the correct water your body can remain in an alkaline state a greater amount of time each day and prevent the cancer from developing or surviving.
Other Alkalizing Agents
Raw apple cider vinegar (with ‘Mother’) – Bee pollen – Lecithin granules (protein) – Juiced Vegetable drinks – Almond milk – Green tea – Herbal teas – Dandelion tea – Ginger tea – Kombucha (a natural sweetener) – Stevia – Raw Honey (Manuka) – Spices – Curry – Ginger – Mustard – Chilli Pepper – Sea Salt/Pink Himalayan Crystal Salt – Miso – Tamari – All Herbs – Flaxseed – Olive oil – Coconut oil – Grape seed oil – Black seed oil (Nigella Sativa)
Opt for natural sweeteners such as: Stevia, Manuka honey, Blackstrap molasses etc. Broccoli (protection against chemo effects) – Capsicum red peppers (antioxidants) – Spinach (good against ovarian and breast cancer, has Vitamin K, folate, B2) – Celery (good for losing weight) – Kefir milk (has anti-cancerous properties) – Kale (contains omega fatty acids GREAT TO HAVE IN YOUR DIET)
How to Implement the 80 % Alkaline: 20% Acid ratio
A quick Internet search will produce a list of alkalizing and acidifying foods. Obviously, while trying to reduce cancer cells alkalising the body is most important in terms of diet. Any major diet change will be difficult to maintain perfectly all of the time. Foods such as meat, alcohol and chocolate are acidifying foods but can be part of your 20% acid allowance. Then you will need to choose from the alkaline list for the 80% alkaline foods.
Lemons – Fresh lemons, although acidic become alkaline in the body! Leave to soak in a jug of cold or warm water with Manuka honey (minimum strength +16) and drink throughout the day, every day. This assists and cleans the liver and kidneys.
Organic Coconut Oil – 2 tablespoons of organic coconut oil per day.
Bicarbonate of Soda – 1 teaspoon in water mixed every morning and night.
Apple Cider Vinegar – 1-2 tablespoons in water mixed every morning and night.
Test your pH every day
Test your urine each day to see how alkaline your body is. Get pH test kits in your local pharmacy or online, either paper Litmus tests or liquid re-agent pH test kits are a low-cost way to keep a close watch on how alkaline your body is. Test your urine 3 times per day to get an average. It will be a good indication of if the diet change is working for you. Try to obtain a level of at least 7.5pH and no higher than 9.5pH.

How to Stop Unwanted Weight Loss
A common problem during the whole process of cutting out the sugars is the patient can lose weight (from muscle wasting). You will naturally lose some weight when switching to the non-sugar diet. This is has to be managed and balanced with taking more protein-based foods. The aim is to build up your protein intake to arrest the muscle wasting and weight loss problem, whilst sticking to the non-sugar and alkaline diet.
If weight loss is too rapid it can put a great strain on the organs eventually lead to shutdown. To avoid this, we can look at the advice below:
Take coconut oil – 2 tablespoons every 2 hours. This replaces fat reserves.
Then take Muoti-Strain a True Full Spectrum oil cannabinoid oil.
Other things to help put weight on:
Seeds – Nut and Seed Butters – Coconut oil – Wild rice – Raw organic eggs (unrefrigerated) – Organic Chicken (1 handful per portion) – Unpasteurised Yoghurt or ‘Kefir’ – Herbal Teas (camomile or dandelion to help the stomach with digestion).
The ‘HERX Effect’
The ‘Herx Effect’ is also known as the healing crisis and was first described by German scientist, Herxhiemer. As the cancer cells break down, the dead cells have to be processed by the liver and kidneys. As more get broken down (i.e. as the oil does its job) you can get what is known as the Herx effect. This detoxing process lasts usually for around 1-4 days but in rare cases can last for two weeks and symptoms can get worse as the liver is doing its job. Some of the Herx symptoms include:
Headache, fatigue, nausea, chills, fever, sweating, swollen glands, vomiting diarrhoea, muscle cramps, increased heart rate, cold feeling in extremities, rashes, acne, itchiness.
These are nothing to worry about and should pass within a few days. It is the body’s way of expelling the toxins. So, as you breakdown more of the cancer with the oil, this may occur and it is something to watch out for.
It has been seen in many cases that when taking cannabis oil, pain can occur in the area of the tumour, usually a different type of pain to that of the tumour pain when first diagnosed. It can be uncomfortable but is a sign of the cancer breaking down and may come and go or completely pass within a few days.
Milk Thistle and L-Glutothione
If the symptoms from the Herx are extreme and are occurring for an extended period of time, it means the cancer cells are being broken down too quickly, faster than the liver can process them. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water and take Milk Thistle (3000mg/day) and L-glutathione to assist the liver. If the Herx effect goes on for a long period of time i.e. weeks, it can be serious, so monitor the Herx when it happens. We want the Herx to come on, it is a good sign things are clearing but we want to do our best to control and moderate it. On average it will usually last 1-4 days. When the Herx occurs, we want to slow and control its release so the liver and kidneys are not under too much strain.
Extreme Herx symptoms
If the symptoms from the Herx are extreme and are occurring for an extended period of time using a ‘Coffee Enema’ daily can greatly reduce any Herx effects and keep on top of dead cancer cells and toxins building up in the liver and body. Coffee enemas can also be used to alleviate pain and rid toxins from the system – shown to be very effective.
Choose What Works For You
Chemotherapy is dangerous and often chemo and radiotherapy can cause cancer to spread. So in many cases it does not solve the problem. It only delays it for several weeks or months before returning somewhere else. Chemotherapy destroys all the good and bad cells in the body at once and hopes only the good ones recover.
Think about it….. if you are ill with stomach ache and about to vomit, do you go and guzzle down 2 litres rancid festering water out of an old car tyre? No, because when you are ill, taking something that is going to make you feel more poorly doesn’t resonate with wellbeing does it? Your immune system, if you have cancer, has enough to deal with without having to deal with protecting you from chemo as well.
it really isn’t that complicated, yet it is made complicated by the system to justify its very own existence. Think how complex the medical system is with its techniques, procedures chemical names and names of medications….to master it all surely you would have to be the ‘Bruce Lee’ of modern medicine? Well no actually, its not that complicated after all. Understanding the healing process, even just the basics will help you be more in control of your journey rather than at the mercy of it.
If I can understand it quite easily, trust me, so can you. The truth is there is no need to know about all the cancers individually and their history and what toxic chemicals are chosen to deal with them, or any other illness for that matter, because a good basic understanding of the correct way to prepare cannabis flower (forget all the other known items that have cured sat least ‘some’ cancers) and what to expect and in how long, plus what to eat during that time to stop cancer spreading, is all you actually need to know – its the same for the other illness…..your endocannabinoid system is the same system no matter what’s making you poorly…..
Treat the cause, not the effect….
Choose what works for you. Your natural healing programme will be unique to you but will cross over on what many other people are doing who cure their own cancer naturally. Eating healthy and choosing the right supplements will come naturally after a few weeks you will start noticing the right foods and your mind will start to automatically choose the healthy options, as now you will have a better understanding of how and what to eat in order to stay healthy and disease and illness free.
Fruits and Vegetables
Always buy ORGANIC where possible.
PLUMS – Damsons are known to stimulate appetite if eaten before a meal can initiate detoxification and improve liver function.
KIWI – mild laxative, good levels of vitamin C for immunity.
FIGS– helps strengthen bones, promotes bowel regularity. Ideal to eat if you have high blood pressure and a good source of calcium Lower in sugar and calories.
QUINCE – Contain anti-carcinogenic substances.(Lab studies have shown the leaf and fruit contain substances that inhibit growth of colon and kidney cancer cells.) It also fights inflammation and infection.
CHERRIES – Helps promote sleep, anti inflammatory.
GRAPES – Red grapes contain Resveratrol (anti-carcinogen).
BLACKBERRIES – Help lower blood pressure and Help remove toxins from the gut. Contains ‘Ellagic’ acid that has been shown to stop the growth of cancer cells in lab tests.
BLACKCURRANTS – Fight urinary tract infections and boosts the immune system.
BLUEBERRY – slows growth of prostate cancer cells significantly and also improves memory and is good for UTI’s (Urinary Tract Infections).
GOJI BERRIES – help maintain muscle strength, promote peaceful sleep, and boosts the production of Energy.
RAPSBERRIES – anti-carcinogen, inhibits the growth of tumours. In lab tests have shown to halt the growth of colon cancer.
MELONS – helps wound healing, lowers blood pressure naturally. POMEGRANATE – Significantly reduces activity of proteins that cause inflammation conditions like arthritis.
AVOCADO – Keeps joints supple, anti inflammatory.
BROCOLLI – helps strengthen immune system and high in Vitamin C.
CABBAGE – supports healthy liver function (supports the production of glutathione)
KALE– fights inflammation, lowers cholesterol, has an anti oestrogen effect so can arrest the spread of breast cancer. Can also aid the stomach and duodenal ulcers.
HORSERADISH – treats urinary infections and water retention and helps remove toxins from body.
SWEET PEPPERS – contains anti-carcinogenic substances especially good for lung cancer.
COURGETTES – helps reduce an enlarged prostate.
CORN also does this.
ARTICHOKE – helps balance blood sugar levels and Promotes good gut bacteria to grow.
TOMATOES – lycopene’s reduce risk of prostate cancer.
SPINACH– especially good for prostate and ovarian cancers – helps reduce risk and also has anti inflammatory effects.
MUSTARD GREENS – ovarian, prostate, lung and breast cancers – contains anti-carcinogenic substances.
DANDELION – a good liver cleanser and helps fight infection and supports immune system.
NETTLES – nettle root helps reduce an enlarged prostate and urge to urinate. CHICORY- can help protect against cancer and also removes toxins from the blood.
CELERY – good source of vitamin K and helps lower blood pressure.
FENNEL – Eases stomach cramps, relieves bloating.
GARLIC– great for various cancers including bowel breast lung and is very anti-
GINGER – great for inflammation, nausea symptoms, arthritic pains.
BEETROOT– has a liver cleansing action, supports the liver in producing glutathione and Improves oxygen uptake in the blood.
CALCIUM – Spinach, Broccoli, Celery, Mustard green, Avocado, Kale
MAGNESIUM – Almonds, Okra, Flax seeds, Dill, Cacao, basil
IRON – Pumpkin seeds, Kale, Brocoli, Quinoa, Spinach
POTASSIUM – Coconut water, Avocado, Kiwi, Brussel sprouts, Tomatoes, Figs
MANGANESE – Cinnamon, Garlic, Thyme, Chard, Tumeric, Collard greens
Seeds and Their Anti-Carcinogenic Effects
SESAME – a good source of vitamin E and protects liver from toxic damage.
SUNFLOWER – anti-carcinogenic properties and is a good source of B vitamins.
PUMPKIN – high in Zinc, B vitamins, magnesium, iron and protein.
LINSEEDS – lowers high cholesterol.
POPPY – general remedy for diarrhoea.
Chia – high in magnesium and calcium.
RED CLOVER – helps menopausal symptoms and good for lowering blood pressure.
CUMIN – anti-carcinogenic.
SAFFRON – inhibits growth of cancer cells.
STAR ANISE – Ischemic acid – antiviral properties so aids fast recovery from viral infections.
BLACK SEED OIL (Nigella Sativa) – detoxing and anti-inflammatory effects.
Cancer-fighting Superfoods
GREEN TEA – Rich in polyphenols that reduce the growth of the new blood vessels needed for tumour growth. Green tea is also a powerful antioxidant and activates mechanisms in the liver which help to eliminate cancerous toxins from the body more rapidly. It has been shown to block the effects of chemical carcinogens responsible for breast, lung, oesophageal, stomach and colon cancer.
GARLIC, ONIONS, LEEKS, SHALLOTS and CHIVES – all help to regulate blood sugar levels, which in turn reduces insulin secretion and thus the growth of cancer cells. They promote the death of cancer cells in colon, breast, lung and prostate cancer.
MUSHROOMS – Shiitake, cremini, Portobello and oyster mushrooms stimulate the reproduction and activity of immune cells. They are often used in Japan as a complement to chemotherapy to support the immune system.
CABBAGES, SPROUTS, BROCCOLI and CAULIFLOWER (Cruciferous Vegetables) contain powerful anti-carcinogenic molecules. Boiling will destroy them so steam briefly or stir-fry rapidly in a little olive oil.
Fruits and Vegetables Rich in Carotenoids
CARROTS, YAMS, SWEET POTATOES, SQUASH, TOMATOES, APRICOTS, BEETS and all the brightly coloured fruits and vegetables contain vitamin A and Lycopene which have the proven capacity to inhibit the growth of particularly aggressive cancers.
Herbs and Spices
ROSEMARRY, THYME, OREGANO, BASIL and MINT are rich in essential oils of the terpene family which reduce the spread of cancer cells by blocking the enzymes they need to invade neighbouring tissues.
Citrus Fruits
ORANGES, TANGERINES, LEMONS and GRAPEFRUIT contain anti-inflammatory flavonoids which are also present in the skin. So buy organic, un-waxed citrus fruit and add the zest to salad dressing or steep the skins in hot water or tea.
Eat yourself Healthy!
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