Which way?

From the standpoint of a human being with the acquired knowledge and understanding of how and why cannabis effects healing within the body, how can one possibly justify in ones own mind not informing others about this & many other often lifesaving natural intervention options to another person who has no options left & where modern medicine has fallen short? I am obligated to pass on this knowledge to others, its part of being human.
In many cases cannabis has been the last resort, and against all the supposed odds, it succeeded. Knowing this is the case for many thousands of individuals around the world, how can you not at least look at it critically instead of just following the herd as they all run off the cliff with no actual idea of how good these interventions are.

What would you rather be?…..Legally Dead?….or Illegally Alive?
Illegally Alive: The Movie
Medi-Cure BioErgonomics adhere strictly to all the standards involved in selecting cannabinoid product manufacturers overseas and the checks and balances that must be observed in doing that from ‘seed-to-sale’ when helping people find the right intervention for them we need to know that it is safe, pure and toxin & heavy metal free. If you are unable to get a letter from your GP that allows you to get a private prescription, It may mean traveling aboard to Spain, or elsewhere to receive the treatment due to the legal implications of THC being present in the oil in large amounts.

A natural plant that has over 7,000 years documented medicinal usage with little or no known causality’s that can benefit the lives of many thousands of people. I have seen with my own eyes convulsions/tremors cease almost immediately in a woman with M.S after inhaling a vaporiser with cannabis flowers inside it. She had tried Sativex with no change in her condition whatsoever, yet the cannabis worked in seconds and afforded her approximately 2 hours of tremor free time with which to go shopping for groceries or carry out daily chores. A natural plant extract is the difference between this woman needing home-help care or being able to manage perfectly well on her own. Yet she must break the law to achieve this? This is not okay. No rational sane person would agree that this is okay, yet this is what is happening.
Conditions & Symptoms
The majority of people we serve are living with Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy. Cannabis is very effective on a plethora of other diseases and illnesses, but the above are our most common occurrences for information and advice we are asked about. Members use cannabis to relieve a variety of symptoms including debilitating nausea, lack of appetite, wasting, pain, muscle spasms and tension that limit mobility, and to improve their overall sense of well-being, and for conditions such as Bi-polar, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and as harm reduction for substance abuse and withdrawal. Those suffering from critical or chronic physical conditions also may experience depression and anxiety for which cannabis can be beneficial.
The following is a list of some conditions and the associated symptoms for which there exists research and evidence of cannabis being used successfully. Please note that this list is not exhaustive:
Addiction & harm reduction – ADHD – Alzheimer’s – Anxiety – Arthritis – Asthma – Blood & circulation – Cancer – Chemotherapy – Chronic pain – Colitis – Crohn’s Disease – Diabetes
Epilepsy – Fibromyalgia – Glaucoma – Head trauma/brain injury – Hepatitis C – HIV/AIDS
Irritable Bowel Syndrome – Kidney disease – Mental health – Migraines – Multiple Sclerosis
Muscular Dystrophy – Nausea – Neuropathic pain – Paraplegia/quadriplegia – Parkinson’s Disease – Pregnancy – Radiation therapy – Seizure disorders – Sleep disorders
Cannabis can be seen for the most part in 2 groups, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Sativa or a cross of the two.

The primary effects of Sativas are on the mind and emotions. These benefits can be particularly helpful for the psychological aspects of many illnesses, giving people an increased sense of well-being. Due to the stimulating nature of Sativas, they are generally better for daytime use. Caution should also be taken for people experiencing heightened anxiety or those with mental health conditions.
Some therapeutic uses of Sativas:
Indica plants are normally shorter and stockier plants than Sativas. They have wide, deeply serated leaves and a compact and dense flower cluster.
The effects of Indicas are predominantly physical and sedative. Due to the relaxing nature of Indicas, they are best used for non-active times of the day, and before bed.
Some therapeutic uses of Indicas:

Hybrid strains are the result of cross pollination of various strains. The characteristics, and hence the effects, of one strain will usually be dominant. An Indica-dominant cross will be effective for pain relief, with the Sativa component helping with energy and activity levels. Such a strain is ideal for daytime pain relief. A Sativa-dominant cross will be helpful in stimulating the appetite, with the Indica component increasing muscle relaxation. This strain would be ideal for daytime appetite stimulation.
All strains of cannabis may increase appetite and reduce nausea, however crosses are reported to work most effectively.

Also Dr Barnes and I discussed people citing ‘mystery oils’ and residue that may be present in some extraction techniques employed by the home user, are surely far lower in toxicity than sitting in a traffic jam for 20 minutes on the M25 with the window down on a hot summers day, coupled with the fact that the cannabinoids contained in the medication will in fact be boosting the endocannabinoid system in the first place, even with ‘mystery oils’ or residue that may be present from manufacture of ‘some’ home-made suppliers, this is almost homeopathic amounts” – Dr. Barnes agreed.
More open research needs to be done and people who are desperately sick should have the right to choose their own form of treatment. ITS ONE OF THE MOST BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS……but people must be properly informed first, as how can someone come to an informed decision on something that they do not actually know about or even understand?
If you feel uncomfortable recommending cannabis due to medical, legal, or other concerns, please indicate this in the space provided on the attached form.
While many doctors are recognising the effectiveness of cannabis as a medicine, we realise that there are still many who may feel uncomfortable recommending cannabis or even contemplating filling in the form. Some may fear professional and legal repercussions or that they do not have enough knowledge about this herbal medicine to make a professional and informed decision.
Please fill out the form anyway putting a Tick in the box indicating that you do not recommend cannabis and please use the space provided to explain the reason for not recommending cannabis.

The current legislation on medical Cannabis is not adapted to the medical and scientific information currently available today.
