Don’t get excited….. This is antiquated technology….we have MUCH better on the way than this old junk.

Medical Examination Beds (Med-Bed’s) have been around and in use by the ‘Elite’s for the last 80+ years. Med-beds are NOT going to be used on the public. The Medbeds and their ‘imminent’ release, are the same as the “Tier 1, 2 & 3 Redemption Bonds”……this is also not going to be a reality, they are only to appease the masses and give them something semi-tangible to focus on, to ease the strangeness of this last 4yrs, to stall for time until the ‘event’ transpires…..what event? The EMF, or ‘Electro-Magnetic Flash’……
For more information on the EMF, & what going from 3D-to-5D is all about:
There are some things that we have not been told by our trusted Governments and world leaders…….we have not ever been told what you are about to read here below, by ‘They’.
‘They’ must have forgot to mention it, all.
What is a med-bed?
Tesla med bed technology generates a field of restorative life force energy to stimulate the self-repair of all cells, it ensures that you are in good health and proves to be the future of healthcare.
Because the Tesla med bed generator is safe, non-invasive, natural, and effective, it is approved by the Class II US Food and Drug Administration. However, they are not just ordinary electric beds. These med beds work on the basis of quantum technology and AI to heal your body.
More on MedBed Technology…
What is a MedBed?
Tesla med bed technology generates a field of restorative life force energy to stimulate the self-repair of all cells. As mentioned already, it ensures that you are in good health and proves to be the future of healthcare.
Because the Tesla med bed generator is safe, non-invasive, natural, and effective, it is approved by the Class II US Food and Drug Administration. However, they are not just ordinary electric beds. These med beds work on the basis of quantum technology and AI to heal your body.
Medbeds are of three types:
Regeneration medbed
Holographic medbed
Rejuvenation and regression med bed
Learn more about the major differences among these three types of medbed.
What is the working principle of Tesla med beds?
As mentioned, the Tesla med bed works on the principle of quantum healing. It is portable, in-home medical equipment that also works on the principle of quartz crystal healing. The combination of quantum and quartz healing mechanisms helps in determining the very minute differences in electrical signals sent from one part of the body to another. Thus, the Tesla med bed offers an accurate diagnosis of the health condition.
Tesla med beds work when two frequencies line up in a square waveform with a 50% duty cycle. Because it is an AI machine, there is no need to select voltage, electric current, or waveforms, as the AI mechanism can automatically select them.
How do med beds work?
The mechanism of Tesla medbeds includes three steps:
Complete body scan
Detailed analysis of health issues
Precise treatment via frequency emission

Hundreds of medical conditions and diseases are mapped in a database containing more than 10,000 distinct frequency patterns. To examine the scan output, multiple algorithms will be developed. These algorithms will be cross-checked with the existing database to figure out the cause of the disease. Once the cause is determined, these med beds will be tuned to deliver accurate treatment.
Imagine a patient who has a chronic ailment like cancer. The patient’s cells will have a low energy level, which is less than 15 mV. For such patients, doctors recommend med bed treatment. Med bed generates Tesla waves to significantly boost the energy potential up to 70 mV. This improvement in energy potential can effectively treat cancer. Furthermore, it is possible to prevent the spread of cancerous cells to other body parts.
In simple words, the potential electromagnetic energy heals the affected cell accurately. They not only predict the cause of the medical condition but also address it in a noninvasive manner.
These med beds look like CT scan devices or MRI machines. All you have to do is just lay inside and receive Tesla waves. That’s it!
What are the advantages of Tesla med beds?
When it comes to the med bed, the Tesla heating coil is the major component. It can potentially reduce stress and inflammation. By increasing energy, this coil can detoxify and cleanse your body’s cells.
Furthermore, the Tesla heating coil at varied frequencies naturally uses life force energy to improve cellular function, increase energy level, restore healing ability, regenerate limbs back to normal, and ultimately reverse aging.
As we grow older, we may not remain young and active all the time. You will also require more sleep to recharge your mind and body. This is where the med bed really helps! It delivers high-quality sleep to improve cognitive function, provide mental focus, increase memory, bring pain relief, and offer more immunity.
Tesla med beds have many other benefits, such as:
Reducing inflammation
Improving the level of cellular ATP for more energy production
Stimulating natural healing mechanism for cell repair
Managing blood pressure at a normal level
Improving sleep quality
Promoting nutritional intake, blood circulation, and body detoxification
Working as an antidepressant to calm down emotions and nerve actions
Tesla med beds not only offer health benefits but also offer practical benefits as required. There is no need to struggle while getting in or out of bed. The use of med beds helps you avoid falls and slips.
You can adjust this med bed into multiple infinite positions, including the sleep position for sleeping, sit-up bed for watching TV, the chair position for eating food, and the stand-up position where the bed lifts slowly and its bottom part curls inward to allow you to stand safely on the floor.
With med beds, you can sleep in a proper posture. Med beds have vertical and horizontal adjustable features. You can opt for a sit-up bed position, a stand-up position, a chair position, or a sleep position.
Furthermore, it is possible to elevate partially with ease. At the same time, you can breathe easily. While sleeping also, you may not snore. Isn’t it surprising to hear?
What are the health conditions treated by Tesla med beds?
Tesla med beds can treat or manage health conditions such as:
Mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, trauma, dementia, posttraumatic stress disorder, Alzheimer’s, etc.
Cell restoration
DNA and RNA repair
Stimulating calmness and peace
Muscle and bone healing
Heavy metal removal
Limb redevelopment
What is the course and duration of med bed therapy?
Med bed therapy ranges from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the patient’s health condition. You just have to lie inside the med bed. Once you lay down, its life-force energy field gets activated and used by your body cells in a non-invasive manner.
The doctors typically suggest having four to five consecutive sessions per week. However, the more exposure to the Tesla waves, the better the health condition.
A 2018 article published in the BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making reported that medbeds can be easily incorporated into monitoring and care delivery services to deliver better conditions for patients.
Bruce Copen M.A.R.S III
Bruce Copen Laboratories was founded in 1947 in Brighton/Sussex, UK by Dr. Bruce Copen (1923 – 1998).
Dr. Bruce Copen, was a distinguished and respected scientist, Doctor of Philosophy and Literature, author of some 60 books on natural therapy, homeopathy, psychology and metaphysics. Among many other contributions to quantum medicine, Dr. Copen paved the way for understanding subtle fields and energies and developed methods that are now standard in bio-resonance therapy, electronic homeopathy and virtual colour therapy.

Dr Bruce Copen – the founder of quantum medicine

1947 – Following the work of Abram, Drown, and De La Warr, Dr. Copen began developing a radionic soil analyser (Model Y) in the late 1940s, which was introduced to the public in 1947.
More on Dr Bruce Copen & the M.A.R.S. III
1966-1980 – Further research and development led to the release of the computerized Mark II device in the late 1960s. In addition, Dr. Copen also developed the first colour healing device during this time. This device was unique in that it contained stored frequency patterns of colours instead of coloured light and transmitted them to the patient.
Dr. Copen’s continued research and advances in the field of information medicine and technology led to a whole series of other computerized devices in the years that followed.
1988-Today – After his death in 1998, his long-time German partner Dipl. Ing. Harald Rauer took over Bruce Copen Laboratories (UK and Germany). Under his leadership, the early analogue instrument models were re-engineered with new digital technology, resulting in a modern advanced generation of instruments.
Today Bruce Copen Laboratories produces innovative systems that are 100% designed and manufactured in Germany. Based on the work of experimental physicist Nikola Tesla and German physicist Prof. Konstantin Meyl, further development of the systems using state-of-the-art proprietary bio-cybernetic technology continues.
The Bruce Copen M.A.R.S III system is probably the most remarkable piece of technology I myself have ever come across. I am lucky to have been on this machine many many times, and recommended many many people to seek it out for themselves.
To this day I have not seen anything written or produced about this machine, even by its own manufacturers, that comes close to doing it any justice whatsoever.
In short – the M.A.R.S III can ascertain, from you siting physically in front of the machine touching the receiver pads, or simply by a hair or fingernail sample sent in the post to the practitioner who can be anywhere in the world, exactly what your previous health status is from birth it seems, what your current health status is, and what your future health status is likely to be for the near future. After scanning your bioresonance pattern into the machine, the machine is then linked to you and can tell your health status at a glance no matter where you are on the planet. It can tell if you are near something potentially dangerous, like a Hornets nest, for instance, and it can also tell you way way in advance if there is anything you need to be worrying about i.e. cancer – a recent case involved a woman who was advised by the M.A.R.S III practitioner that she had breast cancer, the hospital could not find it at first with the MRI scanner, and the woman returned to the practitioner who informed the woman to go back to the hospital because they have missed it, and sure enough, the MRI had not picked up this cancer as it was too small to notice, but the M.A.R.S III caught it immediately. The M.A.R.S III also knows what you have been eating…..yes I know how that sounds, but trust me I have 1st hand experience of this several times, I have had phone calls whilst i am out the country from the practitioner asking if i have pain in my kidneys? (I did have pain that week & i was worried about it) & telling me why and what caused it and how to treat it. This machine is quite remarkable to say the least. I would urge everyone to seek a M.A.R.S III practitioner out as it will be the best thing that you can do for yourself and your family’s health.
Please contact us if you would like to see a M.A.R.S III practitioner
High Technology – Healing devices from the past.
Here we will look at some devices from the present and also from the past. These technologies work very well indeed yet we have never heard of most of them. Likely because they, like Cannabis & other healing items on this website, are way to effective at both specific, and general healing in the body.
If a few cheap herbs, a change in diet and/or some low-cost equipment can keep you in perfect health……then what about Big Pharmaceutical company’s?…..We wouldn’t need any of their products, would we?
Everything on this website is known to work. If we have not tried it ourselves then we have done in-depth research on it, or are working industry connected with it and/or with the manufacturer.
We will be running courses for children and adults on how to build these at home, or in the Centres learning cabins – please see Naturopathic Healing Centre, for more information.
Nothing on this website should be considered ‘Fringe’. This is a term used to put enthusiastic people off of researching further into an area that purports to miraculous healing all kinds of health issues. What if these devices & healing systems actually worked as described?….. It really is time to wake up and take a fresh look at ourselves and the World in which we find ourselves. People around the world are using these devices, and the natural interventions right now, but everyone should be aware of them. I myself have benefited from using several of these interventions personally so I can confirm they do indeed work.
Lakhovsky Coil:

The Lakhovsky system is based on the fact that every cell in a living body, vibrates at its own particular frequency and that cells which are not in good health have weak vibrations. Lakhovsky deals with this by sitting his patient in a mild electronic field which vibrates over a very wide range of frequencies. That vibrating field is very beneficial for the patient, as it reinforces the strength of the cells in the body, increasing their strength of vibration and so raising their level of health. There is no contact between the equipment and the patient, and the treatment can deal with all sorts of illnesses. At time of writing I am not aware of any correctly-built, ready-made Lakhovsky oscillator being offered for sale. However, it is perfectly possible to make one of your own and the plans for this are in the free PDF below. The treatment involves sitting in a harmless electronic field as you can see Lakhovsky doing in the image above.
Hulda Clark’s fascinating book ‘The Cure for All Cancers’ – Free PDF
Looking at the idea that it is in fact Parasites that cause Cancer…
The Deems Device:

The DEEMS Device is a highly powerful rare earth, or neodymium magnetic device intended for the use in:
-Pain relief
-The easing of inflammation
-Natural healing
-Increasing the energy flow and the balancing of the energy centres/chakras/meridians.
-Very useful for practitioners of acupuncture, reiki and other energy work.
Each DEEMS Device is hand-made in the USA from all USA-manufactured materials. Each device is numbered and comes with a certificate of authenticity. Each DEEMS Device is created with the intention of each purchaser. Because of this, the manufacturer doesn’t begin making the device until it’s ordered which can take as long as 30-60 days, but they build them immediately upon the purchase and try to complete them as soon as possible.
Each Device comes with a handmade storage box and it’s HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that it be kept in the storage box except when in use. Neodymium magnets can be shattered if dropped or allowed to slam against any metals or other magnets.
The DEEMS Device is HIGHLY MAGNETIC and WILL ATTRACT ALL FERROUS METALS and possibly even magnetize them. If allowed near electronics and especially cellular phones, it can permanently damage them. The DEEMS Device is not intended to replace current or future medical therapies and is intended for supplemental holistic treatments only. CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR prior to using the DEEMS Device.
DO NOT USE the DEEMS Device if you have: