Heal yourself with nature……in nature.
Please feel free to contact us about any of the therapy’s, treatments, protocols or products listed below.

A rustic & rural Naturopathic Healing Centre with a range of highly effective natural interventions for all illness & disease. The Centre will offer a plethora of interventions, remedies, products, services and treatments for sale in-store & online. Situated in natural woodland settings at one with nature. We are able treat people onsite daily with an open-door policy or by appointment, and can accommodate up to *3 clients in 3 x self contained cabins, including 1 -2 x family members accompanying living on-site for longer treatments for up to 3 months.
Treatment & cures for life threatening conditions such as Cancer & M.S etc are Free.
Set in a woodland environment with emphasis on a low-impact approach construction and natural optics, with a whole & rustic ambiance when entering the centres boundaries.
- A Natural, Holistic & rapid, side-effect free cure for cancer and cure/alleviation from many other debilitating conditions, diseases and illness.
- A blend of ancient, modern & future medicine to induce, maintain & control homeostasis
- Passing on Heirloom Knowledge & Techniques to improve lifestyles
- Offering a wide range of branded products, treatments & services in store & online
- Offering Constitutional Law/Common Law courses – Free on-site and via Video-Link courses by experts in Constitutional Law raising people’s awareness of our inalienable rights as Sovereign Beings.
- ICU Academy Classes for Children and Teacher Training **
Requires: A wooded area of 5-10 acres. Or a large ‘Cops’ or small plot of partially wooded land. Access by track, lane or footpath preferred – Ideally in the Essex/Suffolk/Norfolk area.
The Centre comprises 4 rustic Air B+B short stay style self-contained pods/cabins heated by log burner with purified running water and electricity & Wifi throughout.
1 of these accommodations will be reserved for the centre’s staff with remainder for the Centres clients. All Cabins are raised off the ground 18 inches on pre-laid ‘Meta’ posts negating planning rule infringement and making a very low environmental impact on the woodland.
Treatment for any life-threatening condition is FREE to the client e.g clients with cancer can stay onsite for the duration of the remedy i.e. breast Cancer – free accommodation food and living from diagnosis to cure in 3 months, as an option, or they can take the items home and log into to training and information tutorial portal, plus live seminars and receive treatment from home and receive the necessary naturopathic intervention through the Post.
Site makeup:
- Main Cabin – Office and site security – Treatment Cabin – Lecture Cabin – Shop & Naturopathic Apothecary /Caffe & Kitchen Cabin – Workshop Cabin/Class & Seminar area – 4 X Small rustic accommodation cabins with log burner, ensuite, internet, electricity & purified water on-tap to wash in and consume – Manufacturing Cabin External storage area.
Diagnosis of any illness Via a range of different methods:
(or we use your GP/ Hospital diagnosis assumptions & work from that)
We can also put you in touch with a fantastic range of qualified Naturopathic GP’s

Bruce Copen MARS 3 – Thermography Unit – Experienced diagnostic practitioners – Treatments and cure via the centre’s objectives and protocols for life threatening conditions are Free to the client – Own Branded Products or Sale in-Store/online – Antinoplast (see S. R. Burzynski 1976) – Fenbendazole – MMS/CDS – Hydroxychloroquine – Ivermectin – Colloidal Silver /Gold / Monatomic silver/Gold – Chelated supplements – fresh herbs / dry herbs Mushrooms (inc full stannets) – Immune Boosters – Chinese herbal medicine & Herbal apothecary – CBD products – flowers – Extracts – Tinctures – Balms – Creams – Lotions – Detox – ‘Humble 1000’ information and ingredients, plus many other different detox protocols – Water treatment and purification ‘Super Imploder’ restructuring + Tabletop distillation units & trace element additives – Superfoods (frozen, fresh, dried, and ‘How-to’ guides and info on site & on website for download) – Off-Grid Lifestyle Equipment – Free Energy – Solar equipment & Tech – Electronics/gadgets & communication Off-Grid WIFI – Free Energy courses and practical sessions with small classes for adults and Children – Centres own Branded Hemp clothing range – Resources & further research.
Plus much more…
Treatments on offer:
CIT (Cannabinoid Intervention Therapy by 3rd party Cannabis dispensary) – MARS 3 QRM Bio resonance – Herbal & Chinese Herbal onsite apothecary – High Voltage Healing (usage, theory and construction – Crystal Healing – 432Hz magnetic Healing– Resonant and vibrational healing – Rife Machine – Bob Beck electrolyser – Tesla Radiant Energy Healing systems – Raymond Royal Rife Frequency Healing systems – Acupuncture – Reflexology – Hypnotherapy – Massage – ‘Deems‘ device – Cannabis prescription service – Legally obtained Cannabis products via 3rd party GP prescriber within the UK.

Kambo/Sapo – a Natural & Healthy version of Chemotherapy, for want of a better description. Produced from the Parotid gland of a Peruvian tree frog, the poison enters the body through the lymphatic system via a small burn on the forearm or elsewhere on the body and the poison gets to work. This must only be done by an experienced Kambo practitioner, there are many in the UK and Globally. Kambo poison is lethal and will kill in just minutes if it enters the blood stream, eyes, mouth etc. There is no antidote for this. Contact us for a list of UK registered Kambo Practitioners.
‘Kambo’ will ‘Kick-Start’ your immune system in to working correctly again, it will also clean your entire system out….literally. I have used this several times, its horrible, its likely the worst half hour of your entire life….when you take Kambo ‘feeling poorly’ is an understatement. But it works very effectively and very fast. I had a kidney infection in Spain in 2017 from accidentally drinking water from a festering tank by mistake for several days. I was unable to walk and could only lay flat on the floor for 12 days in a row in agony, sipping water, vomiting cold sweats & shivers. I could not eat during this time. On the 13th day I literally forced myself to go & see a Kambo practitioner friend who lived an hours drive away. They put 5 ‘dots’ of Kambo on my arm and I fell on the floor convulsing and vomiting profusely for about 20 minutes. I thought I was dying, and I would have been happy to at that point, but after the Kambo poison was wiped off my arm & a bucket of ice water thrown in my face, I was actually better than ‘fine’ within 15 minutes I felt 100% and I was starving hungry – we drove to a village and I had a huge steak within 45 minutes of recovering from the Kambo. Its AMAZING how well this works, & how little it is known or discussed.
Onsite Courses live-online:
CIT – Cannabinoid Intervention Therapy Endocannabinoid System and preparations from different types of cannabis & cannabis extractions (if you have a legal prescription)
MARS III QRM Bio Resonance diagnostic system for practitioners
High Alkaline Diet and Cookery. How to create pure plant medicine meals whilst making it taste absolutely amazing at the same time.
ICU Academy Teacher Training for instructors & Classes for Children – This is literally amazing beyond words! Children between the age of 5 & 12 are more easily taught this ability as by the age of 12 they are using more of their analytical brain instead of their creative and artistic side, this makes children more able to be easily taught to see using only their ‘3rd Eye’. Children can read, write, play outside, ride bikes and play ‘catch’ completely blindfolded. This method is also used to hone your child’s latent psychic ability’s. All children between this age group can learn this. We aim to offer these classes to children for free in small groups of 6 children per class. ICU Academy was set to up to assist children to become the best version of themselves, align them with their future and offer them a start in life that many generations before them didn’t have the opportunity to experience. All Children between the age of 5-12yrs old are able to access certain abilities that become harder to learn after the age of 12. These abilities include practical exercises using the mind which the tuition leads to the activation of the child’s ‘Third-Eye’, this activation will lead the child to discover how to read, Write, run, play & learn without use of their eyes, but completely blindfolded seeing with only their 3rd eye. The Children also gain from this training Telepathic abilities. This is quite remarkable and greatly empowers Children giving them immense confidence.
Watch this short video to understand what this can offer your children!
Electronics workshop – Radiant Energy Systems R.E Design and manufacture practical applications – released patent plans and tutorials for design and construction onsite and via video-link- 432Hz magnetic Healing – 100,000Hz – 300,000Hz frequency Cancer disruptor/s – Tesla R.E Healing systems – Nigel C. Hands – High Voltage Healing – Raymond Royal Rife Frequency Healing systems – Herbs & Herbal Healing – Off-Grid considerations & practical guides – 3D Print from schematics – Permaculture and farming. – Herbal Micro-farming techniques – Acupuncture – Thermographic Clinical Diagnosis systems – Reflexology – Hypnotherapy – Massage – Crystal Healing – Yoga…
Plus more…
Centres Power requirements
The centre is only possible with a Free Energy systems to function as intended to meet multiple power demands on centre I.T, manufacture, kitchen and cold storage & Water filtration/purification, lighting and in some cases Heating (Manufacturing ovens e.g.)
There are a number of different options for free energy to power for instance, lighting, and likely we will opt for 2 or 3 different designs, some with moving parts as with an Alternator, for example and some stationary magnetic resonance devices for the accommodation cabins for lighting and device charging as these devices run cold and there is no chance of an accidental fire being started.
HHO Generators. Water can easily and cheaply be split into its constituent parts of Hydrogen and Oxygen. The gas can be collected to power water heating if need be, engines or generators, instead of using petrol and diesel, central heating the cabins.
Free energy systems easy to assemble and low-cost long term power solution.
Experts Onsite regularly permanently/weekly in all the fields listed above – Therapist & Practitioner list currently sourced & awaiting start – Nutrition experts – Naturopathic Healers & Herbalists – Free energy experts & Water Technician specialist – course tutors in a plethora of fields.
We plan to Video document each willing client, from diagnosis to cure where applicable and create a portfolio on cured clients, to use in the compilation for a documentary/mini-series. following 5-10 people who have 5 or 10 different cancers, who join the centre and get cured – usually 12 months or less to cure cancer with the available tools and techniques we have.
Cabin Examples…

All cabins & accommodation wood treated, stained or painted or ‘aged’ to blend in with the natural surroundings. Raised off the floor 18″ on boarded Meta-Post platform making zero impact on the environment and able to relocate if necessary.
Our Goals
We aim to provide natural, effective, safe, trustworthy and reliable cures and alleviation for many modern day illnesses. Cancer being the most common and easy to fix, and we have tried and trusted protocols for this and expect the person being treated to be cancer free in 12 months or less if the protocols are followed correctly – if that person is not staying on site in the accommodation, but are following the protocols from home, we will facilitate this as needed.
We will not charge a single penny for people with any illness that the hospital cannot fix i.e. Cancer, neither will we charge anyone who cannot afford treatment, and all children are free for anything they need and all classes they wish to attend + regular health monitoring via M.A.R.S 3 QRM ‘Balancing’, this gives you prior warning of any possible as yet un-noticed medical issues that may well present soon. This is all free for children & people on low incomes at a reduced rate.
The centre will produce regular crops of fast growing vegetables, shoots, beans, herbs grown organically under LED for food and medicinal products made onsite – in ‘micro-farms’ onsite and we aim to be a self-sufficient as possible – having cold storage onsite makes this a lot easier.
Animals will be present onsite, but will not be slaughtered – we will use eggs, for instance, but no chicken will be harmed. The same for goats using only their milk. Any meat onsite will come from the local farm butcher and organic produce used that we do not grow ourselves, will be sourced locally.
We aim to provide this life changing treatment opportunities free for the majority of people and ask only donations from anyone with life threatening conditions such as cancer. If you feel like donating to the cause, please do as every penny is going back into the centres development.
If you are looking to invest and want to see a fast ROI….then unfortunately this venture is not for you.
We do this for the Love!
Currently we are looking for suitable woodland, 5-20 acres with single track access within the UK preferably South East, Essex/Suffolk/Norfolk areas, but will consider any possible land based on its merit & suitability. Looking to buy/rent/loan/lease shorthold or longterm. Location is key.
We are constantly sourcing products, techniques and equipment keeping ahead of the latest industry news in multiple areas. The team is growing rapidly due to its unique appeal, modality of function and ethos. Everyone involved in the project are like-minded souls keen to do things a little differently with new & forgotten technology’s, products, lifestyles & inventions.