CBD Plus+

CBD Plus+

CBD Plus is ideal for lung cancer as this CBD Plus+ stick has nothing in it except pure unadulterated natural multi-spectrum cannabinoid extracts, there’s no PG juice and glycol in these little baby’s, just pure cannabinoid distillate.

Vaping pure cannabinoid extracts directly into the lung, will in fact open the tracheobronchial tree, as opposed to constricting it as one would wrongly assume.

Placing cannabinoids as close to the cancer as possible is the fastest way to treat cancer with Cannabinoid Intervention Therapy, and it is for this reason that we use a topical cream with DMSO for cases such as skin cancer, and also a suppository for colorectal cancer and prostate cancer etc.

The CBD Plus+ stick is also a great replacement for smoking cigarettes because you get the satisfaction of smoking and the hit that comes with it, but the vape is repairing the bronchal tree, not destroying it –

CBD Plus+ is also ideal for replacing mainstream vaping as that type of vape juice is extremely damaging to the lungs and causes a condition known as ‘Bronchiolitis Obliterans’ or ‘B.O’ for short, more commonly known as ‘Pop-Corn’ lung, not because of the damage it does resembling pop-corn under x-ray of the lungs, but rather that in the 1990’s in a popcorn factory in Detroit U.S, a chemical used in the flavoring to make ‘Butterscotch’ flavor microwave popcorn, containing Diacetyl, it’s the diacetyl that causes the condition.